Are you searching for the best chicken breeds for small backyards?
Many urban and rural homeowners consider keeping chickens because they desire fresh eggs and a connection to nature.
Not only is this workable with limited outdoor space, but it is also easy to do. Imagine yourself in your backyard, picking up still-warm eggs and fully aware of where your food has come from.
You could also point out that chickens provide fresh eggs and act as natural pest control for the garden. This may encourage your family members to engage in further discussion.
Breed choice is the primary factor in successfully raising chickens in a close environment and small area.
Introduction (Chicken Breeds Suitable for Small Backyards)
The right chicken breed choice will make the total experience of having them in a small backyard a positive one.
Certain breeds’ features make them more apt in a smaller space than others.
The popularity of bantams, smaller chicken breeds, stems from their aggressive nature, which makes them suitable for small spaces.
Because of their much more diminutive size, they require a small area to live in, and they don’t need foraging places in sprawling regions.
Temperament is very critical when birds have to live close to people. Friendly and gentle characters are best for restless children and to keep the neighbors in minimum trouble.
For example, if chickens are calm and gentle, the neighborhood will be peaceful and quiet, and they will stay in their enclosures.
Noise levels are a significant consideration in urban and suburban settings where neighbors are often nearby.
Deciding on quieter breeds is the perfect way to eliminate potential conflicts and ensure harmonious coexistence within the neighborhood. In contrast, some types of chickens are naturally not very vocal, so they are always silent.
Any breed of chicken should be able to adapt to small spaces, just as humans can live in a crowded city or neighborhood, harming nobody. Select birds that thrive in both coops and runs; stress and damage should be minimal.
Some breeds of chickens are unsatisfied with a small area to forage, while others are happy to have a small house as long as it meets their needs.
Top 21 Best Chicken Breeds for Your Small Backyard
Below is the list of top chicken breeds suitable for your small backyard that can happily thrive in a limited space.
1. Serama

The Serama, a Malaysian breed, is the tiniest chicken breed in the world. These small birds rarely exceed 10 inches in height and 18 ounces in weight.
Seramas’ small size lets one keep them literally in a backyard closet. They are one of the best chicken breeds for small backyards.
Their most considerable charm is their friendly and adventurous nature. They are friendly towards humans, making them perfect pets for kids and adults.
They are placid, very approachable, and do not display any harmful behaviors. Though there is no specific information regarding their noise levels, their small stature might suggest they are less noisy than larger birds.
Seramas lay moderately sized eggs, perfect for smaller households needing a regular egg supply.
There is not much information about feeding on open ground and confinement, but there are indicators they can live in confined spaces, so the success of the chickens is guaranteed.
Seramas, especially the chicks, are sensitive to low temperatures. They also attract people’s warmth and profit from much love.
2. Dutch Bantam

The Dutch bantam was first bred in the Netherlands and is a small and nice breed of chicken famous for its unique colors.
These chickens are tiny-limbed, with males weighing no more than 20 and a half ounces and females half an ounce lighter than the males. Hence, they are most convenient for smaller spaces.
The Dutch breed is known for being friendly, liking people, adventurous, playful, and communicative. It shows strong affection for its owners.
However, they’re moderate to very loud, which is a problem for some. Besides their small size, they forage well and live comfortably in confined spaces, making them suitable for any backyard.
They have excellent foraging skills and are very tough in case of confinement, which makes them adaptable to many outdoor setups.
These lively and strong birds have to face big predators to be safe in their shelters, as their minute size makes them more prone.
Their cold sensitivity necessitates a specific diet (proper grain size is crucial); thus, large beaks are necessary for efficient feeding.
3. Pekin Bantam

Pekin Bantams, often called “Pekins,” are famous for their incredibly soft, fluffy feathers and round bodies. They were first bred in China.
These diminutive (male: 680 grams; female: 570 gm) chickens are compact and ideal for small spaces.
The peaceful and good-natured nature of Pekin bantams makes them popular pets for families with children.
They are extremely friendly, and handling pigs regularly may make them ideal pets. Some Pekin Bantam cockerels can be loud and shrill, while others may have a very sweet and quiet crow, implying variation in noise levels.
Pekin hens are quite unproductive under usual conditions, often laying small to medium-sized white or cream eggs. These birds prefer to peck and forage on the grassland but can also live indoors.
Additional care for keeping Pekins in smaller backyards may include keeping their foot feathering clean, an important health issue. Additionally, predator-proof housing is necessary.
4. Belgian d’Uccle

The Belgian d’Uccle is a cute but somewhat strange chicken from Belgium. Its peculiar feather legs and feet distinguish it.
True bantams are small (males 26 oz, females 22 oz), easily managed in small spaces. They are one of the best chicken breeds for small backyards.
They are calm, witty, and attentive. While most roosters are quite docile, some can be very aggressive.
The noise level of the D’Uccle Bantam chickens is moderate to high. Despite their small size, Belgian chickens lay a moderate number of small, cream-colored eggs, with an annual production ranging from 100 to 200.
Sometimes these chickens do not scratch or dig, so they are very suitable for gardens. They have good foraging abilities, and they can be close up, but they do not need it.
To keep their feathers healthy, provide short grass or soft sand.
It is not advisable to keep them in humid or wet areas. Protect their feather by giving them low perches
5. Silkie Chicken

Silkies, also called Chinese silk chickens, are hens with uniquely fluffy plumage.
Full-grown silkies weigh somewhere between 3 and 3.5 lbs for males and 2.5 and 3 lbs for females in Europe, while the bantam silkie variety can be even smaller.
These birds’ gentle nature and compatibility with children and other animals make them ideal beginner pets.
People keep them for the most part due to their quiet and friendly nature. You will seldom hear loud clucks; you will usually hear soft, gentle murmurs.
One chicken can lay about 100 small eggs annually, and its plumage can be black, white, cream, or even light tan. However, chickens are prone to broodiness.
Silkies do not require much land and can lead happy lives in a backyard. With limited urban farming space, they adapt to confinement easily.
However, they are not extremely good at free-ranging because of their inability to see correctly and predators’ attacks. Care suitable for them would be mainly human protection, as they are not sensitive to the surrounding dangers.
Other important things about chickens are their not-so-good flying ability and their feathered feet, which need dryness and cleanliness to be kept healthy.
6. Cochin Bantam

Chinese breeders were the ones who brought the Cochin Bantam into existence, and it has been a favorite show bird and backyard pet for the people. Complete, downy, and typical plumage characterizes them.
They are tinier than adults and may weigh 20 to 32 ounces. Their obedient and friendly nature, which many refer to as being like gentle giants, qualifies them as good pets for kids.
Their noise level surpasses most breeds, thus uniquely bridging the gap between others. Other Bantam varieties are also successful in laying the same eggs, so it’s up to you whether you want to raise other Bantam types.
They are well-suited to a variety of care systems, including confinement or free-ranging that is dry, yet the presence of natural and mechanical patrols to protect them is essential.
Their heavy head, particularly feathered feet, in combination with the cold, wet conditions, makes them very sensitive to frostbite on their feet. We propose using short roosts because of the heaviness of the birds and the fact that these birds are not good at flying.
7. Sebright Bantam

Sebright is one bantam of the oldest British trades. At the beginning of the 1800s, Sir John Saunders Sebright created it; people recognize its striking trim of gold or silver lace feathers.
Bantams of the proper type may weigh around 22 ounces in males and 20 ounces in females. They are active, peppy, and quickly befriended. Still, unlike other chickens, they are not very cuddly.
The Sebright breed is quite noisy if it is upset. They almost do not get sold because they lay 60-80 small eggs yearly; besides, they are mostly bantam-sized and cream-colored.
These birds forage on the ground or within wooded areas. However, they are good at flying and thus might sleep in trees, so to prevent any runaway, one needs good fences.
Sebrights are expensive to keep because they don’t lay many good eggs and need constant medical care for things like Marek’s disease.
Cold and damp conditions are unsuitable for Sebrights, which require warmth to grow. They are one of the cool chicken breeds for small backyards.
8. Rosecomb Bantam
The Rosecomb breed is one of the most beautiful small bantams from Britain. Its vast rose comb and striking white earlobes and wattles easily distinguish it.
The Roosters weigh about 22 ounces, and the hens are almost 18 ounces each.
Rocecomb Bantams are friendly birds that make good pets, as do roosters, but the latter can sometimes be a bit aggressive.
They can fly well. However, the noise level of a fenced enclosure has not been confirmed.
They don’t take the top spot on the list of birds that people like to keep for their eggs as they only produce around 50-100 small tinted eggs a year. They are not typically broody.
Despite this, a well-built enclosure is necessary because of their playful and flighty nature. Moreover, their combs are susceptible to frostbite, so they do not do well in cold weather and need additional care.
It takes time to grow and hatch chicken eggs. Careful attention is required.
9. Nankin Bantam
The UK has been breeding Nankin Bantams since they were brought to life in the South Eastern Asia area, which they can call their original home.
The Nankin Bantams breed does not have a big fowl equivalent, and they are no more than 22 ounces for chickens and 24 ounces for roosters.
A lot of people characterize Nankins as calm and friendly, and as such, they are cheeky, cocky, and energetic, less peaceful than the other true bantams.
Because of their small size, the most probable level of the Nankin hens’ noise is not expected to be very high. They can lay around 120 to 140 eggs annually, which is relatively small in their class.
They find it easy to be confined and are even at their best in a covered area that acts as a chicken tractor foraging. These chicks are tough, and their mothers are broody.
Some of the peculiar care of the breeds is that they are slow in developing, and the single-comb type is likely to freeze, thus protecting them from cold weather. They also perch themselves at high spots and then cluster together.
10. Old English Game Bantam

Old English Game Bantam – is a small, tightly feathered bird that traces its descent from the old fighting Cockerels.
Roosters and Jack hens weigh about 5-4 pounds. There is also a ¼-1/5 bantam version, which is even smaller. Besides, while hens are friendly and mellow, adult roosters can get aggressive.
They are very loud. The hens are good layers, with an annual output of about 160 medium eggs, and they are excellent mothers and dependable brooders.
Because they are good foragers, people keep these birds more free-ranging. Their active nature dislikes confinement. They can fly up to 2 meters, requiring strong, high fences.
It is essential to consider the specific needs of mature Roosters and to remember that this type of chick is restless from an early age and matures slowly.
11. Barbu d’Anvers
This breed is a decorative and variegated type of bantam that comes from the flanks of Belgium, and one can spot them because of the big beard made of feathers.
The males weigh approximately 700 gm, while the females weigh 600 gm. They are commonly friendly and quiet, though the roosters may show aggression toward the caretakers.
The volume of their sound can be moderate or loud, yet some prefer to call it the cute sounds of hens purring. A hen usually lays many little cream-coloured eggs, about 100-150 per year.
Their foraging ability and adaptation to confinement earn them a moderate ranking. Because these bantams are good fliers, we should place them in a covered run.
Hens are, by nature, good incubation sitters and can be good mothers. Hens’ small size and friendly nature (in hens) also make them suitable for backyard lovers with limited space.
12. Buff Orpington

Buff Orpingtons are actually famous in backyards. They originate in England and stand out through their calm and tender character. People also recognize them for their profitable egg production.
Buff Orpington hens, which are medium to large, weigh 7 to 8 pounds, while the roosters weigh 10 to 11 pounds.
Their friendship and affection for these chickens have earned them the title “golden retrievers of the chicken world.”
Buff Orpingtons are usually silent. Buff Orpington hens are good layers. They make about 200-280 large light brown eggs for a year.
They like space and are content. They need little space, but they prefer to play a little if confined.
These durable birds will likely go broody and need a cool area in warm regions. They are one of the top chicken breeds for small backyards.
13. Australorp

Australorps are a friendly and calm breed from Australia. They are appreciated for their high egg production. Their hens weigh around 6.5 lbs, and their roosters average 8.5 lbs. They are a medium-sized breed.
We like Warrens for their peaceful and gentle qualities, and roosters are unexampled, too. Being peaceful yet lively, roosters also keep the young ones safe and are a perfect choice for children.
You don’t hear those birds much. Australorps are great egg layers, giving you 250-300 medium brown eggs a year.
They are not very demanding, provided they are allowed some foraging the activity that they love.
Because of its color, the small backyard should provide adequate shade in the warm season and show broodiness.
14. Wyandotte

The Wyandotte is a native U.S. chicken that was developed in the 1870s and is known as a dual-purpose, tame, and robust species.
Both hens and roosters are only a few pounds heavier, i.e., hens from 6-7 lbs to 8-9 lbs for roosters. They are well-known for their mild and docile behavior, being specially designed to enjoy interaction with people, being patient with children, and not being minded by their noise.
Wyandottes are also silent birds, which can be a suitable alternative for those with neighbors nearby.
These hens are top winter layers, producing 3-4 brown eggs per week (150 yearly). They are one of the best chicken breeds for small backyards.
They often stick with other birds, showing great sociability, and feed on whatever they find. Both kids and young birds can see a strong connection with one another by being both confined and range-free periods.
They are densely feathered and have rose combs. They are cold-resistant, but they can also be sensitive to high temperatures.
15. Speckled Sussex

The Sussex Speckle originated in Sussex and is a semi-dual-purpose breed in southeastern England. It is popular because of its kind and peaceful nature and good egg production.
A hen weighs 6 to 7 pounds, and a rooster weighs 8 to 9 pounds.
This breed’s gentle nature makes it ideal for new owners and young families. However, it carries out its poses quietly. Keepers can expect 200-250 brown eggs yearly (4-5 weekly).
Speckled Sussex enjoys foraging and being active the most. However, it can also tolerate confinement, as in a setup with perches and toys, and even provide enrichment to the birds.
They are notorious for their endurance in cold weather. He is also hungry and aggressive during the mating season. It is a significant concern that they might become obese by overeating.
16. Ameraucana

Originating from the mother chicken that used to lay blue-shelled eggs, this race is attributed to being non-aggressive and friendly, having its muffs, and being bearded.
They are medium-sized, weighing 6 to 7 lbs each. Ameraucanas are sometimes even personable, as they really enjoy interacting with humans, primarily if handled when young.
They have an average noise level—not too loud or too quiet—and they sing their “egg song.” They are one of the best chicken breeds for small backyards.
People mainly keep them for their satisfactory egg-laying performance. They lay approximately 3 blue eggs per week, totaling over 200 yearly.
Ameraucanas not only lay their own eggs but also hunt insects. They don’t need a large area as long as they have enough space. They are hard to hurt and can endure heat or cold.
17. Easter Egger

Easter Eggers are a product of crossbreeding and are not a distinct breed. Instead, they are known for laying eggs of different colors, such as blue and green, and even typical egg colors, like brown and yellow.
One of the moderate-sized breeds, the hen, weighs approximately 4-5.5 lbs, while the rooster weighs 5-6.5 lbs.
Since the Easter Egger is a very sociable chicken, it quickly gets to know you, is obedient, and rarely gets upset, so it is perfect for families with young children
They are silent chickens, but roosters can be very vocal. They can produce up to 280 eggs per year, large and vary in color.
They roam freely, are self-reliant, and are at ease with any kind of arrangement, contained or unconstrained. They are good at thriving under sensual conditions, including cold weather.
18. Brahma

Brahmas are known as gentle giants among the breeds. They are one of the biggest breeds of chickens. The males can reach as wide as 12 lbs, and the females can weigh as much as 10 lbs.
They are famous for being calm and docile; they can even be as lovely as real pets by exhibiting “lap-chicken tendencies.”
They are great egg layers and can lay 200 medium-brown to large eggs annually. They are also good winter layers.
This breed tolerates confinement; it’s not an active forager. Therefore, it is ideal for small spaces. They are one of the top chicken breeds for small backyards.
Barred rocks are best in cooler weather conditions; they have many feathers and feathered feet, but they may need plenty of shade and water if it is hot.
19. Barred Plymouth Rock

Barred Plymouth Rocks, or Barred Rocks, is a brood of American heritages that prioritizes tolerant and lenient behavior as its primary characteristic.
Chickens are of medium size. Hens weigh about 7-7.5 lbs, and roosters weigh about 9-9.5 pounds. Bantams also exist.
Their calm and friendly nature is perfect for those new to chickens, and families with toddlers will adore them, too.
A little-known fact about Barred Rocks is that they are usually calm, and their noise level is considered no worse or no better than that of the vital breed of chickens.
They are well-versed in producing up to 200-250 large brown eggs yearly and are dependable dads.
Because of their high foraging instinct, you can keep these birds in both confinement and free-range systems.
Like humans, they can deal with both high and low temperatures, but their frostbite has the potential; therefore, it can be a concern in extreme cold.
20. Dominique

The Dominique, America’s first chicken breed, is famous for its distinctive white-barred plumage and rose comb.
Their medium build distinguishes males, with an average weight of 7.5 lbs, while female birds are lighter, with an average of 5 lbs.
Dominique’s known for a peaceful, easygoing nature. They are also friendly and sociable, so they can relate perfectly with the family’s youngest members.
The quietness of the breed is an average feature of Dominique chicken. They can lay an average of 230-275 light-to-dark brown, medium-sized eggs annually.
These chickens are called good foragers. They prefer roaming freely; however, they adapt readily to enclosure. They are one of the best chicken breeds for small backyards.
Because of their densely packed feathers and low-profile rose combs, they are less likely to get frostbite than many other breeds, and they can also withstand very hot, humid climates very well.
21. Salmon Faverolle

Originally from France, Salmon feta is a chicken that can be raised as a pet and meat-producing animal. It is well-known for its fluffy cheeks, feathered legs, and fun-loving personality.
Females weigh around 6 lbs, but males weigh about 8 lbs. They are interactive and playful indoor pets. Their excellent social skills allow them to live with people and other animals without showing aggression.
These creatures can articulate and are passionate and ready to share their feelings. Salmon Faverolles could produce about 200 eggs containing a light color pigmentation per year.
As they can freely run, they are good foragers are can easily be secluded. Salmon Faverolles are loyal and never cross us. We are the kings and queens of them with their loving and gentle disposition.
Choosing the Right Breed for You: Factors to Consider
Choose the right chicken breed for a small yard by considering key factors.
The amount of space available is a major concern, and it is essential to connect the breed’s size to the coop and run dimensions needed to realize this goal.
However, bantams are the right small breed for such small spaces. Some medium-sized breeds with calm temperaments and tolerance for confinement thrive in non-expansive backyards.
Another crucial factor is the desired egg production. Breeds are different in their egg numbers, sizes, and even colors.
Choose prolific layers like Australorps or Barred Plymouth Rocks for a regular supply of fresh eggs.
A more alternative option is to disregard setting up an artificial state of comfort for birds; instead, be brave and have a flock where the members can roam free.
Tolerance for noise is among the most critical factors in very populated areas. Prioritize friendly relations with neighbors.
Besides, quieter breeds such as Silkies, Orpingtons, or Australorps can help lessen the potential disturbances in the neighborhood.
Remember, even within a single breed, some individuals are chatty while others are quiet.
Also, consider the interaction with family and pets. If you have kids or other pets, it is better to pick positive and gentle pets like Buff Orpingtons, Cochin Bantams, or Easter Eggers.
These breeds are more patient when held and less likely to bully. Bring the warm weather factor into play on flock welfare. Various kinds of poultry are not the same regarding heat and cold tolerance.
Coldness is the one that comes to mind when people think of Brahma and Wyandotte, animals that adapt to cold weather.
Other categories containing too much feathering may perish from the heat of boiling areas. Selecting breeds that match your local environment will cause a more vibrant and productive flock of chickens.
Tips on How to Keep Your Chickens in Small Backyards
Successful chicken keeping requires detailed planning and proper care, even with limited space. It is very important to make the best use of all the space available.
Add levels to roosts and use portable platforms for rainy weather.
Arrangements can be useful for two purposes, such as combining garden stock or a storage shed with a chicken coop.
Chickens having enough room to move freely and exhibit natural behaviors are features of an arrangement that uses available space efficiently.
Waste and odor management is one important way of maintaining a clean and comfortable backyard garden. You must remove droppings and regularly clean the area.
Besides, poultry waste needs to be managed in an environmentally friendly way so as not to compromise the backyard atmosphere. Composting chicken manure can be an excellent and energy-saving way to get the manure out of the way, and, above all, it will eventually turn into a valuable garden fertilizer.
Providing facilities for captive chickens to help them achieve physical and mental well-being is extremely important. We should give a small zone solely for dust baths where the birds can fluff and comb their feathers and thus become parasite-free.
Also, chickens benefit greatly from perches because they can roost comfortably like they would in their natural habitat; moving interactive toys or treats can help keep chickens away from boredom and encourage them to be active.
Before starting on the adventure of keeping backyard chickens, one should carefully read the poultry-keeping laws in that area provided by the local city councils.
Aside from the size of the chicken coop, rustics require, the number of chickens, and the setbacks related to other animals, a city or area can have particular rules. Being familiar with such regulations will make you aware of the situation and prevent these kinds of problems.
Conclusion: A Chicken Breed For Small Backyard
Small backyards are ideal for raising chickens, enjoying fresh eggs, and interacting with animals.
Choose small, quiet, docile chicken breeds for a peaceful coop.
Easier-to-manage birds ensure a peaceful backyard flock. Thus, he or she can favor fruitful change while enjoying the pleasure of being close to nature.
By making the right strategies and ensuring the proper functioning of the livestock system, you can actually see your flock sent to graze in your backyard. This will enable you to enjoy this awesome hobby while also increasing your bond with nature.