15 Most Awesome Wyandotte Chicken Color Varieties
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15 Most Awesome Wyandotte Chicken Color Varieties

Wyandotte chicken is popular for their stunning color varieties, friendly temperament, and excellent egg production. Wyandottes make an attractive addition to any flock.

The Wyandotte chickens are popular among backyard poultry enthusiasts and small-scale farmers.

In this article, we’ll explore 15 of the most awesome Wyandotte chicken color varieties, giving you a comprehensive guide to the colors of these beautiful birds.

We’ll cover everything from their appearance and temperament to chick colors and the body shape of roosters and hens for each variety. So, let’s explore the world of Wyandotte chicken color.

Introduction to Wyandotte Chickens

Wyandotte chickens originated in the United States in the late 19th century, named after the Native American Wyandot people.

The American Poultry Association first recognized them in 1883. They have since become popular for backyard flocks because of their hardiness, friendly nature, and beautiful appearance.

Wyandottes are known for their distinctive round shape, with a broad body, full breasts, and short, strong legs. They have rose combs, which are low and flat with small rounded points, making them less susceptible to frostbite in cold climates.

The Wyandotte chickens are also known for their friendly and docile temperament, making them popular for families and hobby farmers.

Also read: Wyandotte chickens complete breed guide

15 Wyandotte Chicken Varieties With Pictures

There are many color varieties of Wyandotte chickens, with some being more common than others. Each variety has its own unique appearance and characteristics, which can make it an attractive and interesting addition to your flock.

Here, we’ll explore 15 of the most awesome Wyandotte chicken color varieties:

1. Silver-Laced Wyandotte

Silver-Laced Wyandotte Color Variety
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The Silver Laced Wyandotte is the original Wyandotte color variety and remains one of the most popular choices among poultry keepers.

Its striking appearance features a base color of white with black lacing outlining each feather, creating a beautiful contrast. You may see gray, off-white, and yellow shade plumage on their body.

The rooster’s body is large and round, with a full breasts and strong legs, while the hen has a slightly smaller, more compact body.

Chicks of this variety are light gray with dark stripes on their backs. Silver Laced Wyandottes are friendly and docile, making them an excellent choice for families and beginners.

2. Golden-Laced Wyandotte

Golden-Laced Wyandotte Color Variety
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The Golden Laced Wyandotte features a rich, golden base color with black lacing on the neck and tail feathers, giving it a stunning appearance.

Roosters have a broad, round bodies with full breasts and strong legs, while hens are slightly smaller and more compact.

Golden Laced Wyandotte chicks are reddish-brown with dark stripes on their backs.

Its friendly and docile temperament makes this variety popular for families and hobby farmers.

3. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

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The Blue Laced Red Wyandotte is a striking and relatively rare color variety. With a deep, mahogany red base color or buff and blue lacing plumage.

That’s why these birds are truly eye-catching. The rooster has a large and round body with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact.

Chicks of this variety are reddish-brown with blue-gray stripes on their backs. The legs of baby chicks are yellow in color.

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte’s are known for their friendly and docile nature, making them a great choice for families and beginners.

4. Black Wyandotte

Black Wyandotte
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The Black Wyandotte is a solid black variety with a green sheen on its feathers, giving it a sleek and elegant appearance.

The rooster’s body is large and round, with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact. The males have large-size comb and wattles.

Black Wyandotte chicks are a uniform black color. You may see yellow, gray, and white patches on their abdomen feathers.

This variety is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it an excellent choice for families and small-scale farmers.

5. Blue Wyandotte

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The Blue Wyandotte is a beautiful variety with soft blue-gray feathers and a serene appearance. The roosters have little dark blue shade plumage with yellow legs.

Males have large, round bodies with full breasts and strong legs, whereas females are slightly smaller and more compact.

Blue Wyandotte chicks are a light blue-gray color. You may see small yellow and buff patches on their feathers.

This variety is known for its friendly and docile nature, which makes it a popular choice for families and hobby farmers.

6. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte’s are similar in appearance to the blue variety but with a more vibrant red color.

They have reddish-brown feathers with a blue lacing pattern, giving them a stunning appearance. These birds are friendly and make great additions to any flock.

Chicks of this variety are typically reddish-brown with blue markings on their head, back, and wings.

Cockerels of this breed have a darker color than pullets. The body shape of Blue Laced Red Wyandotte roosters and hens is full and round, with hens being slightly smaller than the roosters.

7. White Wyandotte

White Wyandotte Color Variety
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The White Wyandotte is a solid white variety with a crisp appearance. The body shape of the rooster is large and round, with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact.

White Wyandotte chicks are a uniform white color. This variety is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it an excellent choice for families and small-scale farmers.

8. Buff Wyandotte

Buff Wyandotte Chicken
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The Buff Wyandotte hens and roosters feature a warm, golden-buff color with a soft, even shade throughout their feathers.

The rooster’s body is large and round, with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact.

Buff Wyandotte chicks are a solid buff and straw color. This variety is known for its friendly and docile nature, so it is a popular choice for families and hobby farmers.

9. Partridge Wyandotte

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The Partridge Wyandotte is a beautiful and intricate color variety, with a mix of red, brown, and black feathers in a partridge pattern. Feathers are penciled with triangle stripes.

The body shape of the rooster is large and round, with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact.

Partridge Wyandotte chicks are light brown with dark stripes on their head and backs.

This variety is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it an excellent choice for families and small-scale farmers.

10. Columbian Wyandotte

Columbian Wyandotte
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The Columbian Wyandotte features a striking combination of white and black feathers, with a white body and black tail, neck, and wing tips.

The rooster’s body is large and round, with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact.

Columbian Wyandotte chicks are light gray and yellow with dark stripes on their backs.

This variety is known for its friendly and docile nature, so it is a popular choice for families and hobby farmers.

11. Buff-Columbian Wyandotte

The Buff-Columbian Wyandotte is a beautiful mix of the Columbian and Buff varieties, featuring a golden-buff body with a black tail, neck, and wing tips.

The rooster’s body is large and round, with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact.

Buff-Columbian Wyandotte chicks are light buff with dark stripes on their backs.

This variety is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it an excellent choice for families and small-scale farmers.

12. Silver Penciled Wyandotte

Silver Penciled Wyandotte
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The Silver Penciled Wyandotte is a delicate and intricate color variety, featuring a white base color with fine black penciling on all feathers.

The rooster’s body is large and round, with a full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact.

Silver Penciled Wyandotte chicks are a light gray with dark stripes on their backs.

This variety is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it an excellent choice for families and beginners.

13. Barred Wyandotte

Barred Wyandotte Variety
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The Barred Wyandotte is a striking color variety, featuring a black and white barred pattern throughout its feathers.

The body shape of the rooster is large and round, with a full breasts and strong legs, while the hen is slightly smaller and more compact. Males have large size combs and wattles.

Barred Wyandotte chicks are light gray with dark stripes on their backs and white to gray color on their chest.

This variety is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it an excellent choice for families and small-scale farmers.

14. Lavender Wyandotte

The Lavender Wyandotte is a rare and beautiful color variety, featuring a soft, pale lavender gray color throughout its feathers.

The rooster’s body is big and round, with full breasts and strong legs, while the hen’s body is smaller and more compact.

Lavender Wyandotte chicks are a light lavender gray color. This variety is known for its friendly and docile temperament, making it a popular choice for families and hobby farmers.

15. Mille Fleur Wyandotte

Mille Fleur Wyandotte Color Variety
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The Mille Fleur Wyandotte is a stunning and intricate color variety, featuring a base color of reddish-brown with white and black speckling throughout its feathers.

The rooster’s body is large and round, with a full breasts and strong legs, while the hen’s body is slightly smaller and more compact.

Mille Fleur Wyandotte chicks are reddish-brown with dark stripes on their backs. The abdominal and chest area is white to light yellow in color.

It is an excellent choice for families and small-scale farmers due to its friendly and docile temperament.


With so many beautiful and unique Wyandotte chicken color varieties, you’re sure to find the perfect addition to your flock.

From the classic Silver Laced Wyandotte to the rare and striking Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, each variety offers something special in terms of appearance, temperament, and chick colors.

If you add one or more of these beautiful Wyandotte chicken varieties to your flock, you’ll enjoy their beauty, friendly nature, and excellent egg production.

So, why not explore the world of Wyandotte chickens and discover your new favorite variety?

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