Do you want to know about a few popular Japanese chicken breeds? If yes, keep reading.
Japan has a variety of chicken breeds, and some of them are appropriated as natural japan monuments. The Japanese keep chicken for various reasons, including egg production, meat, pest control, and cockfighting.
13 Japanese Chicken Breeds (Color, Eggs, Size & Pictures)
Though japan is not a predominant chicken breeding county, there are a few breeds it deserves credit for. In this article, we will list 13 of the best and most common Japanese chicken breeds with their color, egg production, size, and pictures.
1. Minohiki (Medium Japanese Chicken Breed)

It is recognized as the Natural Monument of Japan 1937.
The Minohiki breed is a magnificent ornamental bird almost exclusive to japan and has close relations with the bantam bridge.
This breed originated from the Shikoku Island of Japan and is believed to have been produced by the Onagadori and the bantam breeds during the Edo period.
It is a long-tailed chicken with its tail feathers reaching 100 cm. Minohiki means small dragging or tail drag. The eyes are red-brown, and they have white ear lobes.
- Breed color varities: black-brown barred, brown-golden barred, brown, and white
- Egg production: 60 eggs annually
- Egg color: light brown
- Weight: females 1.6 kg, male 2kg
2. Uzura Chabo (Small Japanese Chicken Breed)

It is also a recognized Natural Monument of Japan 1937.
The Uzura Chabo Chicken breed is a sturdy and strong chicken quite common in the world as much as it is in Japan. The bird comes in many varieties and its feathers are silky with short legs, a long neck, and a broad chest.
Their tail feathers rest towards the ground, making them look like they have on an apron or a skirt.
- Breed color varities: Black and reddish-brown
- Egg production: 120 annually
- Egg color: tinted
- Weight: male 750g
3. Koeyoshi (Japanese Good Crower Chicken)
It is also the recognized Natural Monument of Japan in 1937.
The Koeyoshi Chicken breed is predominantly from Japan. You are most likely to find it only in its homeland, Akita Prefecture, Japan. It has a beautiful deep tone voice; however, the face looks more like a turkey than a chicken.
Though mostly docile, it is a huge but friendly bird. They take up to 18 months to mature and roosters start crowing 8 months of age. It is the only domesticated breed that goes through a breeding season and an eclipse molt.
- Breed color varities: Yellow or pink shanks, Silver Wheaten and BB Silver
- Egg production: low
- Egg color: red
- Weight: male 4.5kg, female 3.7kg
4. Kawachi-Yakko Chicken (Japanese Brave Chicken)

It is the recognized Natural Monument of Japan 1943.
Though domesticated, these birds are brave and independent, with eyes always alert. The rooster often attacks when they feel threatened.
They have long beaks and tail feathers, and huge strong feet. Kawachi-Yakko roosters are very brave and have an aggressive temperament.
- Breed color varities: white, brown
- Egg production: 80 annually
- Egg color: cream, brown
- Weight: male 600g female 400g
5. Ukokkei Chicken (Japanese Silkie Chickens)

This friendly chicken resembles a small cloud due to its fluffy feathers. Instead of a comb, their head is covered with feathers. Another name for the Ukokkei chicken breed is the Japanese Silkie. They almost look like Silkie chickens in western countries.
- Breed color varities: black
- Egg production: low
- Egg color: cream
- Weight: light
6. Shamo (Japanese Game Chicken)

It is recognized as the Natural Monument of Japan 1941.
Known for their energy and endurance, the Shamo chicken breed is kept for fighting in Japan. The roosters of this breed have a fighting nature and aggressive temperament towards outsiders.
They are not good at laying eggs. Their necks are long, with markings all over their body. This large size breed can be found in other parts of the world as well.
- Breed color varities: Black, Dark, Black-breasted Red and Wheaten (female only)
- Egg production: 90 eggs per year.
- Egg color: light brown
- Weight: male 4.5 kg female 3.5 kg.
7. Tosa-no-Onagadori (Longest Tail Feather Japanese Chicken)
It is recognized as the Natural Monument of Japan 1923, 1952.
The Onagadori breed is among the birds with cultural significance in Japan, but they are very scarce. They are viewed as a sign of nobility and honor. Their tails can be as long as 30 feet due to a rear gene that makes them retain their feathers throughout their lifetime.
- Breed color varities: blackbreasted white, black-breasted red, white
- Egg production: 80 eggs annually
- Egg color: light brown
- Weight: Male: 10 lbs female: 7 lbs
8. Phoenix Chicken (Long Tail Feather Japanese Chicken)
The Phoenix chicken is an Onagadori by-product that scientists created to make their tail feathers shorter. They did so to increase the bird’s survival chances. It is a beautiful breed with its tail feathers growing up to 12 or 18 feet.
- Breed color varities: silver, golden
- Egg production: 120 annually
- Egg color: white
- Weight: male 2kg female 1.5kg
9. Jitokko Chicken (Japanese Creeper)
It is also the Natural Monument of Japan 1943.
This is a predominant Japanese breed with long tail feathers, a spherical shape, and short legs. Their heads are furry, covering their short beaks at times, and they have little beards making them look amusing. This bird is an endangered species in Japan.
Their necks are visible as they walk because they stretch out. The Jitokko are peaceful and docile birds that don’t mind being carried around.
- Breed color varities: black, red, white
- Egg production: low
- Egg color: white
- Weight: male 3 kg, female 2.5 kg
10. Shoukoku Chicken (Japanese Elegancy)

It is also the Natural Monument of Japan 1941.
This ornamental breed is quite unique, with very long tail feathers. The Shoukoku chicken is the most popular bird in Japanese homes. They are not only kept for ornamental purposes but meat as well. Most have yellow legs.
- Breed color varities: black-breasted white with brown wing,
- Egg production: low
- Egg color: white, tinted
- Weight: male 2 kg, female 1.6 kg
11. Totenko Chicken
The Totenko is one of the rarest breeds in the world. It was a popular bird in Japanese homesteads in the past, but now, it is an endangered species.
You can hardly find it anywhere else in the world, and even in Japan, it is very rare. They closely resemble the Phoenix chicken with white earlobes and a red wattle. This chicken is referred to as the pride and joy of japan.
- Breed color varities: red, black
- Egg production: 120 annually
- Egg color: white
- Weight: male 2.2kg, female 1.8kg
12. Satsuma-Dori (Kagoshima Game Chicken)

It is the Natural Monument of Japan 1943
The Satsuma-Dori (Satsumadori) breed is originally from the Kyushu Island of Japan. It is very popular in Japanese homesteads. This breed is kept for cockfighting and also for meat. This bird is one of Japan’s national monuments.
- Breed color varities: golden, white, black, red
- Egg production: low
- Egg color: tinted or white
- Weight: male 3.3kg, female 2.6 kg
13. Tomaru Chicken
This rare Japanese breed has Chinese origins. It is kept for ornamental purposes as it does not do so well at laying eggs. The Tomaru are known for their long crowing that can last for almost 20-25 seconds.
They have dark legs, compact bodies, and full breasts. Their face, earlobes, and comb are red. They are sometimes black for the hen. It is one of the beautiful, gentle chickens in Japan. The Tomaru chicks are also very costly in Japan.
- Breed color varities: black
- Egg production: 100 annually
- Egg color: tinted
- Weight: Male: 3.6 kg female: 3 kg
There are many chicken breeds in Japan, and these are just but a few. Some are popular while others are endangered, making them impossible to breed outside the rejoin.
I hope this list of popular Japanese poultry breeds helped you know more about them. If you have any other Japanese chicken breed name in mind, comment below and we will add them to the list.