Organic Chicken Feed 101: Best for Healthier Eggs and Meat
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Organic Chicken Feed 101: Best for Healthier Eggs and Meat

Do you want to learn about the ingredients used in organic chicken feed?

Are you looking for techniques to keep your birds healthy and produce the best quality eggs?

If yes, you are in the right place.

Organic chicken feed production may appear complicated initially, but it is much simpler than you think.

The right organic feed choices are key to bringing up healthier chickens and making eggs full of nutrients.

This complete, step-by-step guide will give you a deep insight into organic chicken feed components and their impact on flock health and egg production. 

This guide includes a bit of everything – the cheapest homemade feed blends and the most expensive premium commercial products will be laid out for you so that nothing is missed.

Are you ready to see natural feeding as the pathway to producing quality eggs and ensuring the hen’s overall health? 

So, let’s explore the new chicken farming with organic feed and nutrition!


Understanding Organic Chicken Feed

Organic chicken feed is made from natural ingredients without artificial pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It is the primary source of nutrition for livestock flocks. 

This way, they remain lean and healthy, giving us antibiotics-free products from secure residues-free livestock housing and cheap, green ways to manage farming waste.

Contains Natural Ingredients

Additionally, such organic meals made up of superior corn, wheat, barley, and soybeans are available, subsequently meeting the standards set by the USDA. 

It should also contain proteins like field peas and sunflower seeds to give the body essential nutrients for healthy growth.

Certification Standards

Organic food is the category to which a particular type of food belongs. Thus, it has to undergo close monitoring and regular checks to ensure the food manufacturer strictly follows the guidelines set by the US Department of Agriculture. 

The buyer should be able to find out what is in the product, where it was grown, how the food was produced, and who took part in the process.

Health Benefits

Furthermore, they reduce the burdens of animal husbandry by effectively managing pests and diseases and properly rotating pastures, which gives the chickens various food sources. 

Proper nutritional intake eliminates digestive problems, bolsters immunity, and helps the chickens lay more eggs and meat with the best taste and quality.

Cost Considerations

Organic chicken feeds are not only considered a healthy diet but are now recognized as a source of growing business in organic farming. 

Moreover, you can balance the extra cost of premium feeds with conventional feeds by raising happy, healthier chickens resistant to diseases and paying cheaper vet bills. 

Hence, small-scale farmers can save by buying large quantities or making organic feed.

Storage Requirements

Properly storing organic feed is crucial to preserving its freshness and nutritional value. Airtight storage, dry, cool, away from sunlight and chemicals, works well. 

Also, ensure proper ventilation is maintained, exercise the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle, and check frequently for any signs of mold or spoilage.

Essential Organic Chicken Feed Components

Core Ingredients for Optimal Nutrition

Essential Organic Chicken Feed Components
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Organic chicken feed usually comprises premium class, natural, and non-GMO ingredients to ensure poultry is 100% healthy. Now, let’s plunge into the matter at hand:

1. Organic Grains: The grains supply the essential source of energy carbohydrate-wise. The usual organic grains list includes:

  • Corn – A significant energy source that mainly consists of starch.
  • Wheat – Wheat is high in proteins and provides fiber that improves digestion.
  • Barley – Get energy and a high level of gut health.
  • Oats – Fiber-rich, good digestion, and overall health.

2. Organic Protein Sources: Such is the importance of proteins for growth, feather development, and egg production. The methods of these are typical ways:

  • Soybeans (Organic & Non-GMO) – A protein-packed product that requires muscle building.
  • Peas & Lentils – Vegan alternatives that rank high in amino acid content.
  • Sunflower Meal – It is a major source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
  • Fish Meal – A natural source of omega-3 fatty acids such that a high gamma-linolenic acid promotes the formation of the building blocks that help the brain transmit messages properly.
  • Alfalfa Meal – This sustenance complements the protein intake and adds vitamins naturally.

3. Healthy Fats & Oils: Fats can be demarcated as the primary source of energy provision and egg yolk improvement. Below are the usuals:

  • Flaxseed – One of the finest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, it is responsible for improving egg nutrition.
  • Coconut Oil – It can slow down your metabolic rate, triggering inflammation and immune dysfunction.
  • Vegetable Oils (Organic Soybean, Canola, or Sunflower Oil) – These are essential conveyor belts for the health of the body’s skin and feathers.

4. Essential Minerals & Vitamins: Minerals and vitamins are the backbone of bone development, egg production, and immune health. Common additions to the list can be found in this:

  • Calcium (Limestone, Oyster Shells) – Calcium is essential to form strong eggshells and for the well-being of bone growth.
  • Phosphorus – This element plays a part in both metabolism and energy production.
  • Salt – A mineral such as sodium is needed by the body to transmit nerve impulses and maintain proper fluid balance.
  • Magnesium & Potassium – These minerals are vital to muscle functioning and heart health.
  • Vitamins A, D, E, and B-complex – These vitamins Increase immunity, bone health, and metabolism.

5. Natural Additives & Probiotics: To promote healthy gut and immunity, organic feeds frequently contain:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – It doesn’t matter what else it is; it is a wonderful natural probiotic with positive nutritional effects.
  • Kelp Meal – An excellent organic product that supplies the body with iodine, minerals, and amino acids.
  • Diatomaceous Earth – This odd substance assists in the eradication of worms or other parasites.
  • Herbs and spices (Garlic, Oregano, Thyme) – They help improve immune balance and thus avoid infections.

Vital Supplements and Additives

Vital Supplements and Additives in Organic Chicken Feed Chicken farmers’ organic feed notably includes integral supplements and probiotics that help boost the chicken’s immune system and digestive system and optimize egg and meat quality. Here are the key ones:

Vital Supplements and Additives
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Here are those vital supplements and additives with the headings and subheadings bolded:

1. Calcium & Minerals

  • Oyster Shells – Shell development and the resistance of bone are awakened.
  • Limestone flour – It is the ultimate calcium supply and harbors significant calcium for egg development.
  • Phosphorus – Provides growth and energy requirements and is required for bone health, too.
  • Magnesium and potassium – The body does not provide these minerals; they can only be obtained from the diet.

2. Vitamins

  • Vitamin A – It is vital for the normal functioning of the epithelial cells that are found in mucous membranes, genitals, etc.
  • Vitamin D3 – Cognate with vitamin D3, calcium metabolism is linked to the uniform mineralization of bone, which makes bones grow properly and teeth strong.
  • Vitamin E – It is the main immunomodulator that helps macrophages to function correctly.
  • B-Complex Vitamins – As a result, nutritionists combine the cereal, oilseed, and pulse meals with the feed to improve the nutrient profile while supplying 100% of the protein from the green feed.

3. Probiotics & Gut Health Boosters

  • Lactobacillus and Bacillus Species – These good bacteria strengthen and protect the colonization of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – ACV also moderates the pH level in the body while regenerating the raw material in the body.
  • Diatomaceous Earth is an intestinal cleanser for humans and animals and cleans the house. We could replace these with the antioxidants in the drink and fruit in the diet.

4. Herbal & Natural Additives

  • Garlic Powder – Another function of Garlic Powder is that it is an incredible healing tool for all sorts of internal mammalian diseases and wounds.
  • Oregano & Thyme – A critical point in Tanis’s early articles was that some of the prebiotics, like inulin and fructooligosaccharides, appear to have the best effects, especially on the small intestine flora, without any other harmful effects.
  • Turmeric: The turmeric is known to be high in certain antioxidants, such as catechins, epicatechins, quercetin, polyphenols, resveratrol, or mangiferin.

Commercial Organic Chicken Feed Options

Let’s examine the commercial organic feed options available in the market. Ready-made solutions offer convenience and high nutritional standards for your flock.

Commercial Organic Chicken Feed Options
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Premium Organic Layer Feed

Premium Organic Layer Feed is a compound made in a very nutritious manner and intended for laying hens only. It comprises a well-balanced mix of organic grains like corn, wheat, and barley and the vital proteins from soybean meal, peas, and flaxseeds.

It has been improved with the help of sources of calcium, like oyster shells and limestone, to gain strength and growth in the bone. Moreover, there is a blend of probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, which will ensure the process of digestion, protection, and proper egg production.

This feed without GMOs, antibiotics, and artificial additives favors the natural development of the chicken and the production of healthy eggs. It is an excellent choice of homemade chicken to serve people and farmers who want to provide nutrient-rich eggs for their families and customers.

Organic Starter Feed

Organic Starter Feed is made especially for young chicks that are supposed to start the process of supporting their growth and development.

The product comprises high-quality organic grains like corn, wheat, barley, soybean meal, peas, and fish meal, as well as proteins with good muscle and feather growth.

Vitamins, minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, and probiotics, the most essential features for a chick to make a good start, are all included in the composition.

Furthermore, Omega-3 fatty acids exist in the product and help support overall well-being. GMOs and antibiotics, as well as artificial additives, are not present, and as such, this feed is a nutrient-dense diet that is safe and natural, and this will help the chicks become healthier, stronger birds with a lot of immunity.

Organic Grower Feed

Organic Grower Feed is an extraordinary feed that is specially balanced for immature hens making the switch to being an adult. It comprises organic cereals like corn, wheat, and barley and high-protein sources such as soybean meal, peas, and sunflower seeds to help muscle and feather growth, respectively.

The presence of key vitamins, minerals, and probiotics stimulates the animal to develop good digestion and strong immunity.

The calcium level of the feed is adjusted so that the skeletal growth occurs appropriately, but it does not interfere with the production of eggs at an early age.

Staying away from transgenic foods, antibiotics, and synthetic products, Organic Grower Feed is a magnificent natural diet rich in micronutrients. Thus, it helps in the growth of the chicken in a healthy way to perform with the best results.

Certified Organic Options

Certified Organic Options are an authoritative guarantee that the feeds agree with the organic standard set by USDA. This license lids all the ingredients usually grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, GMOs, or artificial additives.

Brands like Purina Organic and Scratch and Peck present us with organic and certified feeds that are sources of all necessary nutrients for poultry.

They contain organic grains, proteins, vitamins, and minerals; these feeds enable healthier chickens, which entrain better-quality eggs or meat.

Selecting organic feed means taking part in the sustainable farming movement, yet in this way, it is also the way to the poultry’s safe and proper diet. Owning a secure, chemical-free solution for raising strong, productive birds is a win-win situation for farmers and backyard chicken keepers.

DIY Organic Feed Solutions

The advantages of making organic chicken feed include the capacity to manage the quality, nutrition, and ingredients as well as minimize the expenses.

The homemade feed established by a balanced diet must contain grains, protein sources, legal vitamins, great minerals, and probiotics to be complete. Here, a thorough discussion on the method of creating your own DIY organic chicken feed is presented:

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1. Base Grains (Carbohydrates for Energy)

Verismile clusters form part of the feed, which releases energy, and the organs in the stomach digest the fiber. Some usual types are the following:

  • Corn – Powerful energy supplier to keep chickens in motion.
  • Wheat – Aids in digestion and provides energy and protein in the process.
  • Barley – It is an excellent source of fiber and is beneficial for the well-being of the digestive system.
  • Oats – It will feed the hens with slow-digesting energy and maintain proper digestion.
  • Rice Bran is rich in fiber, fat, and protein, essential nutrients for the body to survive.

Note: Grains, which constitute about 50-60% of the feed mix, must be the priority.

2. Protein Sources (Muscle and Feather Growth)

Proteins help develop muscles and feathers and help form the eggs. You can select:

  • Organic Soybean Meal – It is a plant-based source of high protein.
  • Peas & Lentils – They supply the body with the necessary amino acids and keep the protein level balanced.
  • Sunflower Seeds – are a rich source of proteins and healthy fats and are also beneficial for the body.
  • Fish Meal is a natural food containing omega-3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Alfalfa Meal – The creature gains and hence does not fall ill.
  • Dried Mealworms or Black Soldier Fly Larvae – These are high-quality added-protein snacks.

Note: Proteins, accounting for approximately 15-20% of the feed mix, should be consumed as the most important components.

3. Calcium & Minerals (Bone and Eggshell Health)

Calcium guarantees the bones to be strong and the eggshells to be healthy. Plus:

  • Oyster Shells or Crushed Eggshells are necessary to provide natural supplements with calcium required for laying hens.
  • Limestone flour constantly assists in the synthesis of bones.
  • Phosphorus – Bones must maintain a correct structure.
  • Salt – Aids in the proper functioning of the body through sodium and chloride, which ensures the .ion of appropriate volumes of fluids needed for hydration and metabolism.
  • Kelp Meal: Iodine, trace minerals, and amino acids level up the quality of products.

Note: Bone-building and eggshell-forming ingredients are essential for egg layers.

4. Necessary Vitamins (Immunity and Overall Health

Vitamins are pivotal in acquiring a strong immune response, an increased production of eggs, and a metabolism that is working correctly:

  • Vitamin A – Good vision, skin, and immune function are qualities attributed to Vitamin A, which can be found in lettuce.
  • Vitamin D3 – Increases calcium absorption to strengthen bones and eggshells.
  • Vitamin E – Is one of the nutrients that are critical for strong immunity and normal reproductive functioning.
  • B-Complex Vitamins – These types of vitamins enhance metabolism, digestion, and energy levels.
  • Probiotics (Lactobacillus & Bacillus Species) – These good bacteria help gut health and digestion.

Note: Vitamins can be extracted from natural sources like cucumber, parsley, and supplements.

5. Natural Additives & Herbal Boosters

The operation of herbs and the implementation of natural constituents lead to better functioning of the digestive system, the prevention of diseases, and the chickens’ overall health. Thus, everything starts moving positively. Some of the most effective ways might be:

  • Garlic Powder – With its natural antibiotics, it boosts the immune system.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – It helps ease digestion and enhance gut functions.
  • Oregano & Thyme – These are alternatives in mind due to their antibacterial and antiviral characteristics.
  • Turmeric – It brings down inflammation and improves overall health.
  • Diatomaceous Earth – It fights the parasites and naturally controls them.

Note: These natural additives mean fewer synthetic alternative medicines will be necessary.

6. DIY Organic Feed Recipe (Sample Mix for 10 lbs of feed)

Check out a simple though balanced organic chicken feed recipe below:

  • 5 lbs Corn (or Wheat/Barley mix) – Source of energy
  • 2 lbs Soybean Meal or Peas/Lentils – Increasing the protein intake
  • 1 lb Oats or Rice Bran – Supply of fiber and digestion support
  • 1 lb Sunflower Seeds or Alfalfa Meal – Natural sources of healthy fats and protein,l
  • ½ lb Oyster Shells or Crushed Eggshells – This food is for the production of calcium in the eggshell.
  • ¼ lb Kelp Meal or Fish Meal – Trace minerals
  • 1 tbsp Garlic Powder & Turmeric – Protection from immunity weakness
  • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (added to water) – Constipation prevention

7. Tips for Storing DIY Organic Feed

With organic feed being void of preservatives, the method of storage is a delicate issue:

  • Use Airtight Containers – Maintain the freshness of the feed and preserve it from pests.
  • Store in a Cool, Dry Place. Due to the high humidity, molds and feed rotting are not a concern.
  • Rotate Stock (FIFO Method) – Old feed must be used first.
  • Check for Pests and Spoilage Regularly – Harmful insects should be kept from the contaminated feed.

Free-Range Supplementation for Chickens

Free-range supplementation represents the additional nutrients given to chickens besides their regular feed by allowing them to search naturally for the feed and the bugs. 

This process improves their diet with fresh greens, insects, and minerals and increases their health, egg quarantine, and meat production. 

It is a process that duplicates a natural environment, hence providing total immunity while actualizing the cost of food feed.

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1. Benefits of Free-Range Supplementation

  • Improved Nutrition – Chickens gather various nutrients by foraging from nature.
  • Healthy Eggs –  Healthier Eggs and meat are made of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the yolk’s taste, color, and texture.
  • Stronger Immunity – The chick’s interaction with natural microbes is a boosting factor in disease resistance.
  • Reduced Feed Costs – There is less need to buy commercial feed as the chicken gets more of it by finding the food.
  • Better Mental & Physical Health – The process allows chickens to satisfy the urge to scratch themselves, pick themselves, and dust themselves.

2. Natural Food Sources in Free-Range Supplementation

A. Greens & Plants (Vitamins & Fiber Source)

Chickens consume natural leafy greens, grass, and weeds containing vitamins and fiber. Choices one may use are the following:

  • Clover & Alfalfa – These two provide proteins and some of the most critical minerals.
  • Dandelion Greens – An excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants that can be obtained from it.
  • Chickweed and plantain Leaves – These alternatives are rich in vitamins A, C, or both, making them attractive for chickens as chewable sources of vitamins.
  • Lettuce, Kale, & Spinach – Both of them are rich in iron as well as fiber.
  • Fruits and vegetables (in moderation): Apples, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, and raspberries are good sources of vitamins and water.

Note: Do not feed toxic plants such as nightshade leaves, rhubarb, and avocado skins.

B. Insects & Protein Sources (Boosts Growth & Egg Production)

Insects are natural, and this diet is rich in protein for chickens. The most common protein sources in the single source are:

  • Earthworms – Earthworms are a good food choice for birds as they meet their amino acid and digestive needs.
  • Termites & Ants – They fortify the chicken’s immune system.
  • Grasshoppers & Crickets – These insects are mostly the meat chickens that benefit from building their muscles’ hardness.
  • Black Soldier Fly Larvae – Layers can eat black soldier fly larvae for daily dietary needs. They are an easy source of protein for layers.
  • Snails & Slugs – They give the chickens calcium, and thus, they are strong in their eggshell.

Note: Thorough foraging of insects can be a natural pest control mechanism in the yard.

C. Natural Calcium & Mineral Sources

Minerals are essential for the chicks to develop strong bones and eggshells. Free-range supplementation includes the following natural minerals:

  • Oyster Shells & Crushed Eggshells – They are essential components for laying hens.
  • Limestone rocks and clay soil are natural sources of other minerals, such as phosphorus.
  • Kelp & Seaweed – These two and kelp are good sources of iodine and trace minerals.
  • Ash from Burnt Wood (in small amounts) – It is highly beneficial because it contains such vital minerals as potassium.

Note: Feed-line supplements contribute positively to eggshell strength and prevent mineral deficiencies.

D. Grit & Sand (Aids Digestion)

Since chickens do not have teeth, they eat grit to their gizzard to aid in grinding. At the same time, while foraging about free-range, some of the things that one might find to help facilitate this process include:

  • Small Stones & Pebbles – They assist in food digestion.
  • Sand & Crushed Granite – These pieces are key to grain and insect breakdown.

Note: Add extra grit. Please keep it in a separate container so the hens can access it whenever needed.

3. Tips for Effective Free-Range Supplementation

Rotating free–range areas ensures that chickens stay longer and prevents soil exhaustion and the consequent dependence on large animals in the area.

Provide a Balanced Diet – Free-ranging must only complement feed for quality organic poultry production.

Ensure Clean Water Availability – A bird needs to be well hydrated to be healthy and have a reasonable laying period. The digestive system works efficiently when there is enough water.

Protect Against Predators – Use a fence and always provide shelter for the chicken to feel safe.

Avoid Pesticide-Treated Areas – They mustn’t forage in fields treated with chemicals.

Impact of Organic Feed on Egg Quality

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The diet of the hens that lay the eggs directly influences the eggs’ quality. Feeding hens organic feed grown to a high-quality standard in a field using strictly organic growing practices such as crop rotation because of proper soil management and equipment adjustments of raising cattle and delivery to be food-grade grown significantly enhances the nutritional value, shell strength, yolk color, taste, and overall safety of eggs.

The absence of synthetic additives and the inclusion of nutrient-rich natural materials ensure the production of better-quality eggs.

Enhanced Nutritional Profile

The feed produced from organic chickens contains all the life-important nutrients that are entirely missing in standard cattle feed. 

An advantage of pure organic products is that organically farmed eggs may contain higher omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E, and essential minerals. 

Because it utilizes authentic raw materials, such as natural sweeteners and organic feed, which results in better egg production, it provides the birds with the necessary nutrients. It enables them to produce higher-quality cockers and hens for more commercial farmers.

Stronger Eggshells & Longer Shelf Life

On the other hand, an organic animal feed diet that is already naturally balanced by the presence of minerals and other substances contributing to a more solid and resilient eggshell is the key to the solution of a stronger shell, and those already slow down breakage, extend shelf life, and improve market value. 

Another influence on commercial farmers is that although the cost of organic feed is higher, they are expected to have higher sales.

Vibrant Yolk Color & Firmer Texture

Due to the natural food scraps and grass provided by the farmers, free-range hens develop excellent-colored eggs. 

Consequently, the deep yellow to orange yolk is the most remarkable difference in the eggs of organically fed hens. 

In organic feed, this rich color comes from carotenoid-rich ingredients such as corn, alfalfa, and leafy greens. In the same way, the yolk has a firmer, creamier texture, which makes it more stable and, therefore, more acceptable in cooking and baking. 

Higher animal welfare standards yield better-quality eggs. An alternative for people to have eggs of better quality is to raise farm animals under higher standards.

Superior Taste & Freshness

According to many poultry keepers, eggs from conventionally fed hens claim to have a cleaner, fuller, and more genuine taste than those from organically fed hens. 

However, artificial flavors and colorings must be included to give this food more flavor; otherwise, it will be boring. 

As a result, the articles are also used in scientific work; as a result, the items become more unique, and the science topic they contain becomes more interesting.

Lower Chemical Residues & Safer Consumption

Toxic feeding to the flocks is not healthy for either the hens or the customers; thus, organically fed hens are prohibited. 

Not using toxic pesticides, antibiotics, or synthetically produced feeds reduces the chances of food contaminants, making it a safer and healthier option. 

Sensitive individuals or those looking for a natural diet are the most likely consumers of organic eggs. 

Low residual levels of harmful residues and lower contamination of food products can indicate sustainable agriculture and a decrease in ethical practices in food production.

Cost Management Strategies for Organic Chicken Feed

While Organic chicken feed can be expensive, with the right management tactics, the outlays can be minimized without sacrificing pigeons’ nutrition. 

Chicken keepers can follow a healthy, budget-friendly feeding plan using cost-effective purchasing, storage, and supplementation techniques.

1. Bulk Purchasing for Discounts

Economic buying of vast amounts of organic feed can cut the feed cost by 15-25% because many suppliers have large quantities of goods at discount prices.

Forming a group with local chicken keepers allows for shared orders and storage, reducing costs.

Feed mills or wholesalers are the most preferred retailers because they offer remarkably better discounts to consumers who buy directly from them.

2. Join Farm Cooperatives & CSA Programs

Farm cooperatives in the neighborhood with hooked-up members offer good, cheap, organic food, which is usually not available at the supermarkets.

Large groups’ bargaining power helps growers drive the best deals for them.

Some Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs provide organic grain and feed options at lower rates.

3. Seasonal Buying for Cost Efficiency

Feed rates won’t stay the same. They will surely have their ups and downs, with lower costs during harvest seasons and in the summer because there is a wider availability of grain.

Demand is higher during winter, so feedstock prices skyrocket at this time of year.

Appropriate dry and cool storage keeps the feed in good condition for a long time.

4. Reduce Feed Waste with Efficient Feeding Systems

Feeding designs like gravity feeders or no-waste feeders keep feed from being scattered and enhance the clean process of food.

First, applying the amount of food measured and feeding at the fixed time-measured portions at set feeding times lets chickens eat economically.

Feeders to chest height will stop your chickens from going everywhere with their food.

5. Supplement with Safe Kitchen Scraps & Garden Produce

Added vegetable peels, fruit scraps, and garden greens contribute to feeding naturally.

You can keep interval eggshells with good calcium content by practicing the earth-friendly disposal of eggshells and crushed oyster shells.

The right decision would be to exclude foods such as avocado, chocolate, onions, raw potatoes, and processed foods from chicken consumption because they are highly toxic to birds.

6. Grow Your Feed Ingredients

Cultivating corn, alfalfa, peas, sunflower seeds, and mealworms to replace store-bought food is a good way to save money.

Sprouting grains such as wheat and barley will increase their nutritional value and reduce the cost of feeding.

Chickens can be free-range for insects and greens, besides the hens fed with insects.

7. Optimize Feed Storage to Prevent loss

Employed airtight and rodent-proof containers to prevent spoilage and small animal infestation.

Besides, the feed storage should be cool and dry to keep out the mold, which can cause the loss of nutrients.

Applying the FIFO method to organize the feed would ensure that the first feed-in would be the first to go, warding off wastefulness.

Storage and Maintenance

Retaining nutritional value, resisting the invasion of unwanted pests, and reducing the loss of feed through appropriate storage methods are necessary to store organic chicken feed properly. 

Choosing proper storage methods helps keep the feed fresh, making it a healthy, enticing, and free-from-contamination choice.

1. Use Airtight, Moisture-Proof Containers

Reservoirs with hermetic, food-grade plastic, or steel containers are best for keeping air, moisture, and insects out of the feed.

Go for BPA-free plastic buckets or galvanized iron bins, which can last longer.

Fasten the hatches securely to eliminate the chance of oxidation, the occurrence of involuntary actions, and the event of feedback.

2. Keep feed in a Cool, Dry Location

To keep the nutrient value intact, place the feed in a shaded, well-ventilated area that is not directly exposed to the sun.

Identify areas with high humidity, such as basements or outdoor sheds, without proper insulation.

Climate-controlled storage or dehumidifiers can keep the storage area in the proper condition.

3. Control Moisture to Prevent Mold Growth

High humidity is the leading cause of mold, food inedibility, and nutrient loss.

Placing silica gel packs or moisture-absorbing packets in the storage bins could resolve the issue.

Look out for indications such as condensation, clumping, or a musty smell, and discard the affected feed immediately.

4. Prevent Rodents and Insects

Organic feed is beautiful for animals, so strict pest management must be implemented.

Place the food on shelves or pallets not touching the ground so that little access is required.

Apply organic repellents such as peppermint oil or diatomaceous earth around the storage facilities.

Make sure to clean the feed that spilled to avoid attracting rodents or bugs.

5. Implement FIFO (First-In, First-Out) Rotation

Consuming the oldest feed initially will keep the content fresh and free from any problems that could occur because of its expiration in quality and exposure to the environment.

Label the containers with the purchase dates and verify the expiration date before the use.

Generally, organic feeds can last 2-3 months before they expire, so do not overstock during the purchase.

6. Choose Proper Packaging for Long-Term Storage

Subsequently, the use of vacuum-sealed plastic bags or mylar bags in conjunction with oxygen absorbers can be explored to prolong the shelf life of the feedstock.

For bulk, the larger feed bags would be segmented into smaller, airtight parts to minimize the exposure.

Whenever a bag is taken out, ensure it is sealed well so the feed stays fresh.

7. Monitor Feed Quality Regularly

There should be week-on-week checks on stored feeds to discover any attacks from pests, mold, or off-smells.

If feed has a rancid odor, is damp or looks discolored, it has to be thrown out without hesitation.

Good organic foods should have a nice, grainy smell and be a little dry to the touch.

FAQs on Organic Chicken Feed

1. How long does organic chicken feed stay fresh when appropriately stored?

Given that sealed, airtight, and moisture-proof containers and a cool and dry place are essential requirements, organic feed for chickens does not last more than 4-6 months. Exposure to humidity, heat, or sunlight could decrease its nutritional value.

Mold, pests, or bad odors can result from the mix being regular. Therefore, following the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method is important to keep your products safe and fresh.

2. Can switching to organic feed affect egg-laying frequency?

Indeed, chickens that have switched to organic feed may experience a slump in egg production that results from the adaptation to the new feed. During this period, the switch often lasts less than two weeks.

The majority of hens are restored to their original production patterns once they get used to the new diet, which may lead to stronger, more nutritious eggs due to the use of the new organic feed mix that contains higher-quality organic ingredients.

3. Is organic chicken feed more expensive than conventional feed?

Correct, the price of organic chicken feed will be 20-40% more than that of conventional one because high-quality ingredients, USDA certification, and non-GMO sourcing contribute to the former’s establishment.

Given such advantages, chickens grow healthier, have more robust immune systems, produce higher-quality eggs, and are less exposed to harmful chemicals. This leads to recuperating the primary cost with better long-term productivity and premium egg pricing.

4. How can I verify if my chicken feed is genuinely organic?

Verify whether the product is USDA Organic certified by searching for the organization’s seal on the pack. Another method is to check the National Organic Program (NOP) database to see if a manufacturer is certified.

The criteria for the feed to be input as organic is the requirement of the feed to be non-GMO, without synthetics, antibiotics, and artificial additives.

Failing to include certification labels and loosely making up “natural” claims without proof of the same are the red flags warning consumers to stay away from such feeds.

5. What’s the ideal protein content for organic layer feed?

Laying hens need a diet of 16-18% protein to ensure good egg production. Protein may be elevated to 19-20% during molting, stress periods, or the election of cooler months to make up for the needed protein to energize the bird with feather growth and immunity.

It is helpful for a balanced natural feed to include calcium, amino acids, and essential vitamins that will produce strong eggshells and perform properly laying performance.

6. Can I mix different types of organic feeds?

Developing a custom blend and mixing different organic feeds to create a diet according to the chickens’ requirements is easy. To achieve the target, the suitable level of protein, vitamins, and minerals must be the objective.

To avoid nutritional imbalance, the poultry nutritionist or feed specialist should be sought after, for they can be the source of nutritional imbalances that may affect growth, egg production, and overall health.


Choosing organic chicken feed is one step towards healthier, more productive hens and higher-quality eggs. 

Also, consistency in the nutrient balance and feed quality is necessary for your preferred hen-keeping plan, whether commercial organic feed, DIY blends, or both. 

Switching to organic can also be a matter of cost and adaptation to its smell and look, but the advantages in the long run – such as more and better yolks, else, stronger, healthier chickens with zero chemical exposure – more than offsets the initial expense.

First, start your poultry on organic feed little by little and observe how they respond. 

You can gradually adjust your feeding plan as time goes on so that your chickens can have the kind of diet that suits them best. 

Go to local feed stores or certified organic suppliers and ask the experts for help buying the best quality feed. 

If every family goes for natural feeding, birds will be healthier, the earth will be less polluted, and you will have eggs with more nutritional value.

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