Are you finding the right way to treat fowl pox in chickens? As a poultry farmer or a backyard chicken enthusiast, you will encounter this health problem in your flock.
In my poultry farming career, I have seen this disease multiple times, which is deadly. Chicken raisers must use all the preventive measures to avoid spreading this disease to all the flocks.
It mainly affects the chicks, pullets, and cockerels. But if you know the causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of fowl pox, you keep your flocks away from this disease.
This disease can significantly impact your chickens’ health and productivity. This article provides comprehensive information about fowl pox.
What Is Fowl Pox in Chickens?
Fowl pox is a viral infection that impacts chickens and other avian species. It is caused by viruses of the family Poxviridae and the genus Avipoxvirus.
There are two forms of the disease, dry and wet form. The disease is highly contagious, spreading rapidly in conditions where birds are kept in close contact. Proper flock management during this infection in backyard coops is most important.
The Difference Between Dry Fowl Pox and Wet Fowl Pox
Cutaneous (Dry Fowl Pox)
Dry fowl pox, also known as cutaneous fowl pox, is characterized by lesions on the unfeathered skin. These lesions can appear as white or yellowish bumps, eventually scab over. At the end of time, the lesions may be dark brownish.
The dry form is spread by biting insects (especially mosquitoes) and wound contamination, which causes lesions on the comb, wattles, and beak.
Diphtheritic (Wet Fowl Pox)
Wet fowl pox, or diphtheritic fowl pox, is a more severe form of the disease. It is characterized by oral and respiratory mucosa lesions, which can interfere with the bird’s ability to eat and breathe.
The wet form, which is contracted by inhalation or ingestion of the virus via dust or aerosols, leads to the ‘diphtheritic form’ of the disease, in which diphtheritic membranes form in the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and sometimes the trachea.
Both forms of Fowl Pox can impact chicken health and productivity by causing depression, reduced appetite, poor growth, or egg production. Poultry farmers need to understand and manage Fowl Pox in their flocks to prevent outbreaks and minimize losses.
Understanding Fowl Pox Causes and Transmission in Chickens

Fowl Pox is a viral disease affecting poultry species, primarily chickens, and occasionally turkeys and other birds.
This disease might sound complex, but let’s break it down to understand its causes and how it spreads from one bird to another.
Fowl Pox is caused by a group of viruses called Avipoxviruses. These viruses belong to the Poxviridae family, including viruses causing similar diseases in other animals, like smallpox in humans.
The Avipoxviruses specifically target birds. They infect the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, leading to the characteristic lesions and symptoms seen in affected birds.
Transmission of Fowl Pox
The transmission of Fowl Pox primarily occurs through direct contact between infected birds and healthy ones. However, the virus can also spread indirectly through contaminated items and insects.
Let’s explore both transmission modes:
Direct Transmission:
When infected birds peck or fight with healthy birds, they can transfer the virus through the wounds or scratches they create.
During mating, the virus can be transferred from one bird to another through skin-to-skin and body fluid contact.
If you handle an infected bird and then touch a healthy one without proper hygiene, you can unintentionally spread the virus.
Indirect Transmission:
Fomites, objects that contact infected birds, can carry the virus. This includes feeders, waterers, coop surfaces, and poultry equipment.
Mosquitoes and other biting insects can also act as vectors, carrying the virus from an infected bird to a healthy one. When they bite a bird, they can transfer the virus from their mouth parts to the other bird’s skin.
Also read: How to keep mosquitoes away from chicken coop?
Identifying Fowl Pox: Symptoms in Chickens
Recognizing fowl pox symptoms early is crucial for prompt management and preventing its spread to the rest of your flock.
Let’s understand the common symptoms of Fowl Pox and how to identify an infection in your poultry birds.
As we already know, fowl pox is of two types, one is dry, and one is wet. The symptoms are also different. The same virus causes both forms, but they show different symptoms.
Dry Form Fowl Pox Symptoms:
Skin Lesions: Look for raised, scabby growths on unfeathered areas of your chickens, such as their combs, wattles, and around their eyes. These growths might resemble warts and can vary in size.
Crusty Scabs: As the lesions progress, they can become crusty and dry. They might cause discomfort to the affected birds, leading to scratching and rubbing.
Wet Form Fowl Pox Symptoms
Oral Lesions: Chickens with the wet form of Fowl Pox develop lesions inside their mouth, throat, and upper respiratory tract. These lesions can lead to difficulty eating and breathing.
Caseous Plaques: The lesions turn into yellow-white, cheesy-looking patches that obstruct the chicken’s airway and make swallowing difficult.
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
The diagnosis of fowl pox can be made by observing characteristic gross and microscopic lesions and through laboratory testing methods.
Some laboratory testing methods for fowl pox include:
- Isolation and identification of the virus from infected birds.
- Histopathology and serological detection by AGID, HA, and ELISA.
- Virus neutralization test.
- Immunodiffusion test.
- Passive haemagglutination test.
- Microscopic examination of affected tissues stained with H&E reveals eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. This is the most commonly used method in diagnostic laboratories.
- Cytoplasmic inclusions are also detectable by fluorescent antibody and immunohistochemical methods (using antibodies against fowl pox virus antigens).
The Impact of Fowl Pox on Chickens

Fowl pox can affect most types of poultry, including chickens, turkeys, ducks, pheasants, quail, ostrich, emu, rhea birds, and so on.
The disease is characterized by proliferative lesions in the skin that progress to thick scabs (cutaneous form) and lesions in the upper GI and respiratory tracts (diphtheritic form). Virulent strains may cause lesions in the internal organs (systemic form).
The impact of fowl pox on chickens can vary depending on the form of the disease. In the cutaneous form, chickens may develop nodular lesions on various parts of their unfeathered skin.
These lesions can heal in about two weeks. Infected birds may have ruffled feathers and appear lethargic. Growth in young birds might slow, and laying hens typically experience a drop in egg production.
In the diphtheritic form, which impacts the upper GI and respiratory tracts, lesions occur from the mouth to the esophagus and trachea.
These lesions can plug the trachea; if a bird’s trachea becomes plugged, the bird will suffocate and die. Birds can also have discharge from the eyes.
Mortality from both forms of fowl pox is usually low, but a fowl-pox infection can result in reduced egg production and poorer performance from the flock.
Fowl Pox Treatment For Chickens And Other Poultry Birds
Fowl pox, a viral disease, does not have a direct antiviral treatment. However, there are steps you can take to help affected chickens manage the disease and recover more comfortably:
1. Supportive Care To Infected Birds
- Always provide clean and fresh water to prevent dehydration in infected chickens.
- Ensure a balanced and nutritious diet to support the chicken’s immune system.
- Keep the environment clean and dry to prevent secondary bacterial infections.
2. Lesion Management
- Apply antiseptic ointments or creams to the lesions to prevent bacterial infections and promote healing.
- Gently clean the lesions with mild antiseptic solutions, if necessary.
3. Prevent Stress
- Reduce stress factors such as overcrowding, sudden environmental changes, and handling.
- Stress can weaken the immune system and prolong the recovery process.
4. Isolation
- Isolate affected birds from healthy ones to prevent the disease from spreading.
- It will be easy if you keep the infected one in an isolated chicken coop and give the appropriate treatment.
5. Monitoring
- Keep a close eye on the affected chickens and monitor their progress.
- If you notice any worsening or complications, consult a veterinarian.
6. Natural Remedies
- Some poultry keepers use natural remedies like herbal balms or immune-boosting supplements to support the affected birds.
- You can feed a little turmeric, an antioxidant that reduces stress. Do not apply turmeric on fowl pox lesions as it may cause secondary infection.
7. Time for Recovery
- Fowl pox is generally self-limiting, meaning it will run its course, and the lesions will eventually heal independently.
- Recovery time can vary depending on the lesions’ severity and the bird’s health. However, if fowl pox is not treated on time, the mortality rate in chickens exceeds 90 percent.
8. Veterinary Consultation
- If you need clarification on the diagnosis or if the lesions are severe, consult a veterinarian with experience in poultry health.
- They can provide expert guidance and recommendations for managing the disease.
Prevention Measures for Fowl Pox in Chickens
Fowl pox can be prevented by vaccination and good biosecurity practices. If you suspect fowl pox in your flock, acting promptly to prevent the disease from spreading to other chickens is crucial.
While there is no direct cure for the virus, providing supportive care and creating a comfortable environment for the affected chickens can aid in their recovery.
Always get information from reliable sources, and ask a veterinarian for advice based on your flock’s specific needs.
Fowl Pox Vaccination For Poultry Birds
Fowl pox vaccination is a crucial component of poultry health management, aimed at preventing and controlling the spread of fowl pox, a viral disease that affects chickens and other poultry.
The vaccines stimulate the chicken’s immune system to develop immunity against the fowl pox virus, which helps protect the birds from the disease.
Types of Fowl Pox Vaccines:
There are two main types of fowl pox vaccines commonly used:
Cutaneous Vaccine: This traditional type of vaccine is applied to the subcutaneous skin of the chicken in the wing top area.
The vaccine contains an attenuated (weakened) strain of the fowl pox virus. When applied, the immune system recognizes the virus as foreign and mounts a protective immune response without causing the disease.
Wing Web Vaccine: A newer method involves applying the vaccine directly to the webbing of the chicken’s wing. Using this method is easier for the chickens and less stressful for them.
FAQs on Fowl Pox in Chickens
How to Naturally Treat Fowl Pox in Chickens?
You can treat fowl pox naturally when antibiotics and antiseptic ointments are unavailable. Treating fowl pox in chickens naturally is possible, but remember that these remedies should not replace veterinary care medicines. Here are a few natural ways to help:
Aloe Vera Gel: You can apply fresh aloe vera gel to the lesson. This can soothe the skin and promotes fast healing.
Applying fresh aloe vera gel to the sores can soothe the skin and induce fast lesion healing.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your chicken’s drinking water can increase the immune system.
Herbal Salve: An herbal salve is a good idea for reducing discomfort and fast wound healing.
One of the popular products is Fresh Egg’s Daily Herbal Salve.
Remember, these natural options should be used alongside proper vet advice.
How Long Does Fowl Pox Last?
Fowl pox can last around for 2 to 6 weeks on average. But it may vary from bird to bird in some cases according to the severity of the lesions.
Most birds recover from this disease only if they are treated in time. If treatment is not done, fowl pox lasts longer, and your flocks may die.
Remember, If things don’t improve or get worse, ask a vet for help.
Is Fowl Pox Deadly?
Sometimes, fowl pox can be deadly for your flocks if the infection is chronic. But most birds can get better if they’re taken care of early. It depends on things like the virus type and the bird’s health. Keep sick birds away from others and give them supportive treatment.
If their health seems to be getting worse, talk to a vet.
Does Fowl Pox Go Away?
Yes, fowl pox does go away after a few weeks. The bird’s immune system fights off the virus, and the sores heal. But it may take a while, and some birds need more time than others.
While getting better, ensure they’re comfy, eating right, and drinking water. Preventive steps like vaccination and controlling mosquitoes can help stop fowl pox from coming back.
Ask a vet for advice if you’re worried or things don’t seem right.
Concluding Thoughts on Fowl Pox Management
Fowl pox is a common and potentially severe disease in poultry. However, with knowledge about the disease and its management, you can protect your flock and maintain their health and productivity.
The fowl pox virus is transmitted through direct contact and vectors like mosquitoes. Skin lesions, decreased egg production, and respiratory distress characterize it.
The diagnosis is made based on symptoms and tests that confirm it. Management involves caring for birds, controlling secondary infections, giving them food, and keeping birds isolated.
Proactive management of fowl pox is essential for the health and productivity of your flock. This includes regular monitoring, early detection, and quick treatment of affected birds.
In conclusion, it’s crucial to maintain good biosecurity practices and stay informed about poultry diseases like fowl pox. With proper management and prevention measures, you can ensure the well-being of your flock.