Lavender Orpington Chickens: Eggs, Color, Size, Lifespan, Care, Pictures

Do you want to know all about the Lavender Orpington Chickens? It is an excellent lavender color chicken breed that will beautify your backyard and warm your heart.

If you want to raise a beautiful Lavender plumage chicken breed, you’ve come to the right place. We love to tell you about the Lavender Orpington, a beautiful variety of the heritage Orpington chicken breeds.

The Lavender Orpington chickens are friendly, gentle and have an impressive egg-laying ability. They come from the beautiful village of Orpington, England, and are beloved members of many flocks.

Lavender Orpingtons have a story because of their unique coloration. Here you will discover their lifespan, temperament, and appearance and learn how to care for these lovable birds. 

We’ll also explain common health concerns and answer your burning FAQs, providing the information you need to embark on your Lavender Orpington adventure.

Also read: Know all about Orpington chickens

What Are Lavender Orpington Chickens?

If you are looking for a lavender chicken breed, consider the Lavender Orpington chicken. This is a rare and beautiful color variation of the Orpington chicken breed.

Lavender Orpingtons are friendly, calm, and productive chickens. They can lay up to 200 eggs annually and are suitable for meat production. 

Unlike the usual blue or purple chickens, Lavender Orpingtons have stunning lavender plumage.

Lavender Orpington chickens are suitable for any backyard flock, whether you are a beginner or an expert in raising chickens.

History and Origins of Lavender Orpington Chickens

History and Origins of Lavender Orpington Chickens
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The Lavender Orpington is a relatively new variety of the Orpington chicken breed. It developed from the heritage Orpington breed by William Cook in the late 1800s. 

Cook wanted to create a dual-purpose breed that could provide meat and eggs for the market and a showy bird that would attract attention. 

He crossed different breeds of chickens to produce the original black, white, and Buff Orpingtons, which became very popular in Britain and America. 

The Lavender Orpington is also known as the self-blue Orpington because its lavender color is caused by a recessive gene that dilutes any black pigment in the feathers. 

This means both parents must carry the lavender gene to produce lavender offspring. The lavender color is not a true purple but a soft gray with a pinkish hue. 

The Lavender Orpington was first introduced in the late 1990s by Priscilla Middleton in England and John W Blehm in America. 

They bred black Orpingtons with lavender genes from other breeds, such as Araucanas and Dorkings, to create the first ones. 

Following that, many breeders worked to refine the breed and establish its distinguishing features.

The Temperament of Lavender Orpington Chickens

The temperament of Lavender Orpington chickens is generally docile, friendly, and sociable. They rarely fight with other chicken breeds and love to forage with them.

The Lavender Orpingtons are not aggressive or flighty and can adjust well to different climates and environments. They are also curious and intelligent; some owners compare them to the Golden Retriever of chickens.

Roosters and hens have similar personalities, but roosters can be more territorial and protective of their flock. They may crow loudly and frequently, especially in the morning. 

Hens are calm and cuddly, and they tend to go broody often. They are broody mothers who don’t mind sitting and hatching eggs from other chickens.

Lavender Orpington chickens are easy to raise and care for, as they only require a little space or special attention. They are a friendly breed, so that you can raise them with other friendly chicken breeds.

Lavender Orpingtons are also highly productive and robust birds, capable of delivering high-quality eggs and meat of the highest quality.

The Lifespan of Lavender Orpington Chickens

When it comes to the lifespan of Lavender Orpington chickens, they are known to live exceptionally long compared to other chicken breeds. 

A Lavender Orpington chicken can live for 8–10 years with proper care and management. However, this can vary depending on the individual bird’s health and the conditions in which it is kept.

Most chicken breeds live for long life if we provide them with proper feed, comfortable coops, protection from predators, their use, and vaccination.

The Appearance of Lavender Orpington Chickens

Lavender Orpington chickens are known for their distinct and attractive appearance. They have a medium-sized single comb that stands upright on their head, the most common type. 

The color of the comb is typically red, which aligns with the medium-sized wattles that hang down on either side of their beak.

The comb of Lavender Orpingtons can vary, but the most common type is the single comb, which is medium-sized and stands upright on top of their head. 

The comb color is typically red, matching their wattles, which are medium-sized and hang down on either side of their beak.

The ear lobes of Lavender Orpingtons are relatively small and oval-shaped. They are typically a light pink or white color.

The legs and toes of Lavender Orpingtons are sturdy and medium in size. Their gray legs match their feathers, and their toes are straight and well-spaced.

The beak of Lavender Orpingtons is black or black and pale yellow, depending on the individual bird. It is medium in size and has a slightly curved shape.

Size and Weight of Lavender Orpington Chickens

Fully mature Lavender Orpington roosters exhibit a commanding presence. On average, these roosters stand about 24 to 26 inches (61 to 66 cm) in height, measured from their feet to the top of their comb. 

Roosters’ substantial build is matched by their weight, which ranges from 8 to 10 pounds (3.6 to 4.5 kg). Their prominent comb, wattles accentuate their stately appearance and occasionally spurs.

Lavender Orpington hens exhibit a slightly smaller but no less alluring size. With an average height of 20 to 22 inches (51 to 56 cm), these hens possess a broad, heavy body that rests in a distinctive low stance. 

Their weight typically falls between 6 to 8 pounds (2.7 to 3.6 kg), highlighting their dual-purpose qualities as excellent egg layers and potentially nurturing mothers.

The Lavender Orpington chicks are delicate and adorable, far from their adult counterparts’ imposing presence. These fledglings start at an average weight of around 1.2 ounces (34 grams), measuring just a few inches in height. 

In weeks, they transform from these tiny bundles into miniature versions of adult Lavender Orpingtons, complete with the signature lavender-gray plumage.

Egg Production

Egg Production and broodiness in Lavender Orpington hens
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Lavender Orpington chickens are not only admired for their striking appearance but also their commendable egg-laying capabilities.

Lavender Orpington hens typically begin laying eggs at around 5 to 6 months of age. Feeding arrangements, good coops, and genetics of specific flocks cause the delay and fast egg-laying age. 

While some hens may start laying earlier, others might take longer to reach their egg-laying maturity. Lavender Orpington hens are excellent egg layers, providing a steady supply of eggs throughout their laying season for a few years. 

Lavender Orpington hens can produce approximately 200 to 280 eggs per year. The egg is a lovely brown color and medium to large. 

So, if you have a few Lavender Orpingtons hens, your egg skelter will always be full of eggs. You will get daily fresh eggs for households and sell them because of their yearly egg production.  

Their eggs’ warm and earthy tones are popular in the market and chicken lover community.

The size of eggs laid by Lavender Orpington hens can vary, but they typically fall within the medium to large range. Expect to find eggs that weigh around 2 to 2.5 ounces (56 to 70 grams) each. 

Lavender Orpington hens are known for their broody tendencies. Broodiness refers to a hen’s inclination to sit on eggs with the intent to hatch them. So, it is a good breed for those who want to keep a chicken breed for breeding purposes.

Broody hens may temporarily cease laying eggs, focusing their energy on incubating the eggs they’re sitting on. If hatching chicks is not the goal, providing a comfortable and distraction-free environment can help reduce broodiness.

Feeding and Care of Lavender Orpington Chickens

Indeed, here’s a detailed breakdown of the feeding and care points specific to Lavender Orpington chickens:

1. Quality Nutrition

Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is paramount for the health of Lavender Orpington chickens.

Choose high-quality commercial chicken feed that is specifically formulated for layers.

It is advisable to seek feeds that comprise essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and calcium.

2. Fresh Water

Ensure a constant supply of clean and fresh water for your Lavender Orpingtons. It’s essential for them to drink enough water to stay healthy and lay eggs. A good quality chicken waterer is recommended for continuous water supply to the flock.

3. Grit and Oyster Shells

Offer insoluble grit to help your chickens digest their food correctly. Provide oyster shells or crushed eggshells to ensure they have enough calcium for strong eggshell production.

4. Treats in Moderation

While treats are enjoyable for chickens, limit their intake to avoid nutritional imbalances.

Offer treats like vegetables, fruits, and grains occasionally, ensuring they don’t exceed 10% of their diet.

5. Coop and Run Space

Lavender Orpingtons appreciate ample space for roaming, scratching, and dust bathing.

Provide at least 4-5 square feet of coop space per chicken and allow for a spacious outdoor run area.

6. Roosting Bars

Install sturdy roosting bars inside the coop for your chickens to perch on at night.

Ensure there’s enough space for each chicken to perch comfortably without crowding. Roosting bars and perches are best for chicken resting and relaxing.

7. Nest Boxes

Lavender Orpington hens require comfortable and private nest boxes for egg laying.

Ensure the nesting bedding, such as straws, shavings, and hulls, are clean and cushioned. A few other bedding options are available in the market, like chicken nesting pads in washable and non-washable forms.

8. Clean Coop and Run

Regularly clean the coop and run area to prevent the buildup of waste. Keeping your flock and coop clean reduces the risk of diseases and parasites, which helps them feel better overall.

9. Protection from Predators

Lavender Orpingtons are docile and vulnerable to predators, so ensure your coop is predator-proof. Secure openings with wire mesh and lock the coop at night to keep them safe.

10. Social Interaction

Lavender Orpingtons are friendly birds that thrive on companionship. Keep a flock of at least two or more to prevent loneliness and ensure their well-being.

11. Monitor Health

Regularly observe your Lavender Orpingtons for signs of illness or distress. Watch for changes in behavior, appetite, droppings, and overall appearance.

12. Provide Dust Baths

Lavender Orpingtons love to dust baths to keep their feathers clean and parasite-free.

Provide a designated area with loose soil or sand for them to enjoy their dust baths.

Caring for Lavender Orpington chickens involves meeting their specific needs while considering their gentle nature and egg-laying abilities.

Lavender Orpington Roosters Vs. Hens

A Lavender Orpington rooster foraging
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Mature Lavender Orpington roosters typically weigh around 10 pounds, while hens weigh approximately 8 pounds.

Roosters have more significant and more prominent combs and wattles compared to hens. The neck and base of the tail have longer and more colorful feathers.

The male tends to be more territorial and aggressive than the female chicken. They may display dominant behaviors such as strutting and crowing.

Roosters often have shinier and more vibrant plumage than hens, especially on their neck and tail feathers.

In urban settings, roosters can be a concern because they crow. Hens, on the other hand, do not crow. Roosters typically have more extensive and muscular legs and feet than hens.

Raising and Breeding Lavender Orpington Chickens: Your Guide to Success

Breeding and raising Lavender Orpington chickens might seem like a big task, but it’s a journey worth taking. These charming Lavender-colored chickens are loved by many, and if you’re interested in becoming a part of their world, here’s what you need to know.

Nature’s Way of Breeding

Breeding Lavender Orpington chickens is quite natural. If you have roosters (the boy chickens) and hens (the girl chickens), they’ll do their thing, and eggs will be fertilized. Hens are fantastic mothers who will care for the eggs until they hatch, like nature intended.

Boosting Success with Incubators

But if you want to increase your chances of success, you can use an incubator. It’s like a machine controlling the temperature and humidity needed for eggs to develop and hatch. It’s a bit like having a chicken mom in a machine!

Getting Ready with Knowledge and Experience

Breeding these chickens is exciting, but it’s good to learn a bit first. You need to know how to keep your chickens healthy and happy. Healthy chickens make healthy babies. 

So, monitoring their health and feeding them well is super important. Think of it as taking care of a big, feathery family.

Keeping Everyone Healthy

Just like you get check-ups and shots, chickens require them too! Checking on your chickens’ health regularly helps catch any problems early. 

And just like your shots protect you, chickens require vaccinations to stay healthy. It’s like a superhero shield against chicken illnesses.

Growing a Happy Flock

Raising and breeding Lavender Orpington chickens is more than having pretty birds around. They’re like friends that give you eggs. Ensuring they have yummy treats, good quality feed, and space to play is essential. They love taking dust baths and exploring, so giving them room to do that makes them happy.

Unleash the Possibilities

Breeding these chickens is like being a part of a unique story. It’s about life and nature, and you’re a part of it. You’re helping create more Lavender Orpington chickens, and that’s pretty wonderful. 

Remember, even though it might seem like a lot, you’re giving these birds an incredible life, and that’s beautiful. So, get ready to dive into the world of Lavender Orpington chickens – it’s a journey full of joy and feathered fun!

Comparing Lavender Orpingtons to Other Chicken Breeds

Lavender Orpington Hen Sitting and Relaxing
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When comparing Lavender Orpington chickens to other chicken breeds, there are several factors to consider. One of the main differences is the color of the feathers. Lavender Orpington chickens have a unique Lavender-gray color, unlike any other chicken breed.

Regarding size and weight, Lavender Orpington chickens are more significant than most chicken breeds. They are a heavy breed with a robust body, making them excellent for meat production.

Regarding egg production, Lavender Orpington chickens are among the best egg-laying breeds. They can lay about 200 eggs yearly, higher than most other chicken breeds.

The temperament of Lavender Orpington chickens is also different from other chicken breeds. They are known for their calm and friendly nature, making them a perfect choice for families with children.

Common Problems And Health Issues in Lavender Orpingtons

Lavender Orpington chickens can also face some health issues like all chicken breeds. It’s essential to regularly check your birds for any signs of illness and provide them with the necessary care and treatment.

One common problem among Lavender Orpington chickens is obesity. These birds are a large breed and have a hearty appetite. Overfeeding your chickens can lead to weight gain and other health issues.

Parasites are another common problem among Lavender Orpington chickens. Regular deworming is necessary to keep these birds healthy and free from worms.

Respiratory issues can also affect Lavender Orpington chickens. Seek vet advice immediately if respiratory distress symptoms appear.

Other FAQs About Lavender Orpington Chickens

There are several common questions that people often ask about Lavender Orpington chickens. Here are some of them:

Are Lavender Orpington Roosters Aggressive?

No, Lavender Orpington roosters are not known to be aggressive. Unlike other breeds, they tend to be calm and friendly, making them ideal for households with children and families seeking a harmonious poultry environment.

What Does a Lavender Orpington Chicken Look Like?

Lavender Orpington chickens are characterized by their distinctive lavender-gray coloration. Their physical build features a broad, heavy body with a low stance. These chickens boast large, broad wings, and their bright red comb, wattles, and earlobes add a vibrant contrast to their unique plumage.

Are Lavender Orpingtons Friendly?

Indeed, Lavender Orpington chickens have garnered a reputation for their friendly and docile nature. They generally exhibit ease of handling and sociability, rarely displaying aggressive tendencies. This amiable temperament makes them popular for backyard enthusiasts seeking companionable poultry.

What Do Lavender Orpington Chicks Look Like?

Lavender Orpington chicks start as small, fluffy bundles with a light gray hue. Rapid growth is a hallmark of their early development, and as they mature, the defining lavender color that sets them apart becomes increasingly apparent.

Are Lavender Orpington Chickens Rare?

Lavender Orpington chickens fall into the category of rare breeds. Originating in England, these unique birds are less widespread than some more common chicken varieties, adding to their allure among enthusiasts.

Where to Buy Lavender Orpington Chicks?

To acquire Lavender Orpington chicks, reputable poultry breeders or online poultry stores are viable options. It’s essential to ensure that the source you choose is dependable and prioritizes the health and well-being of the chicks.

Are Lavender Orpingtons Broody?

Yes, Lavender Orpington hens possess a notable tendency to exhibit broodiness. Their instinct to sit on eggs and nurture them is well-developed, making them excellent sitters and caretakers of their offspring.

Are Lavender Orpingtons Good Layers?

Certainly, Lavender Orpington hens excel as egg layers. With an impressive output of around 200 eggs annually, they outshine many other chicken breeds in egg production. This makes them a practical choice for those seeking companionship and a reliable supply of fresh eggs.

Conclusion: Why Choose Lavender Orpington Chickens?

If you’re considering adding new birds to your flock, Lavender Orpington chickens are an excellent choice. These birds are not only beautiful but also very productive. 

They are known for their friendly nature, high egg production, and robust body, making them perfect for egg and meat production.

Whether you’re a seasoned chicken keeper or just starting, Lavender Orpington chickens are a breed that will not disappoint. 

Their unique qualities and characteristics make them a favorite among poultry enthusiasts. So why wait? Start your journey with Lavender Orpington chickens today!

Bijaya Kumar
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2 thoughts on “Lavender Orpington Chickens: Eggs, Color, Size, Lifespan, Care, Pictures”

    • Hi, K. Richards

      No, Lavender Orpington chickens might not necessarily need air conditioning, it’s important to take steps to ensure their comfort and safety during hot summers. Providing shade, proper ventilation, access to water, and possibly implementing other cooling methods can go a long way in preventing heat stress.


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