The New Hampshire Chicken is an American breed that was developed in 1910 in the New England states. Breeders now choose them because they can be used for meat and egg production.
Its early maturity, fast-growing, and fast feathering make it a popular breed. Their hens have good laying ability, and they make good table birds. The chicken breed is in high demand due to its features.
To raise this New Hampshire chicken breed, you need to know many details about them. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about this breed.
This guide has all the information you need about New Hampshire chickens, including their history, lifespan, color variety, egg production, size, characteristics, appearance, facts, care guide, and pictures.
What is a New Hampshire Chicken?

The name of this chicken breed comes from the fact that it came from New Hampshire in the United States.
It’s a hybrid chicken primarily developed as a commercial breed for meat production, but now it is on the list of good egg-laying chickens.
New Hampshire chickens produce more meat than their parent chicken breed (Rhode Island Red). It was first standardized by the American Poultry Association in 1935.
Common Names of New Hampshire Chicken
The New Hampshire Chicken, also known as the New Hampshire Red, originates in New Hampshire, United States.
History of New Hampshire Chickens
The New Hampshire chicken breed was developed in 1915 in New Hampshire in the United States from a strain of Rhode Island Red. The American Standard of Perfection recognized the newly formed breed in 1935.
It represents a selection, especially of the Rhode Island Red breed. Thereafter, a different breed gradually emerged through intensive selection for early maturity and vigor, fast weathering, and rapid growth.
This event occurred in New England, mainly in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, where it derived its name.
Lifespan of New Hampshire Chickens
New Hampshire chickens have a lifespan of about 6 years. With adequate shelter and nutrition, they may live a longer life.
New Hampshire Chicken Egg Color, Size, and Broodiness
The New Hampshire Red is a dual-purpose chicken breed raised for egg production. However, this is currently a popular meat bird. Each hen lays 250–280 eggs yearly, or around five eggs weekly.
Their eggs are large and tinted in color. The egg color depends on the strain of New Hampshire hen you have.
But, in general, most of them produce eggshells of a brown color. They lay medium-sized eggs, and the bird continues to lay eggs throughout the year.
New Hampshire chickens often go broody frequently and are good setters. They become good mothers if they are allowed to hatch on their own.
Some breeds of this New Hampshire chicken typically accept baby chicks from other hens, but this property varies from hen to hen.
Temperament of New Hampshire Chicken

Some have calm and docile personalities, while others are very aggressive. New Hampshire chickens are family-friendly birds, and they seem like great pets as you can tame them easily.
New Hampshire Reds are aggressive toward food and will push and nudge their flock mates away from their path. It’s not a good idea to have shy chicken breeds in your flock if you already have New Hampshire Reds.
To stop or reduce their bullying behavior, you can opt to have several feeding sessions, which should be done apart from each other.
As their personalities vary greatly, be aware that they can be docile, lovable, unfriendly, and aggressive. Please read our guide on how many hens you need for each rooster to keep flocks stress-free.
Color, Size, Appearance, Characteristics of New Hampshire Chicken
Color and Appearance
The skin color of the New Hampshire chickens is yellow, and their sizes are roughly the same as the Rhode Island Reds, but their bodies are triangular.
They have a deep broody body, so people consider them a large round meaty bird, and you can use the word plump for them.
The coloration of feathers is different from the Rhode Island Red, and their feathers usually have a lighter shade of red. Still, the Rhode Island Red has a mahogany coloration, and the New Hampshire Red has a chestnut shade and pale yellow highlights.
The color of New Hampshire chickens is shaded red in the shade but lighter red in sunlight. Their neck feathers and tail feathers have black tips.
They have a light salmon color under their feathers and a single red comb, floppy with the hen. The color of the wattles and ear lobes is also red. Their eyes are orange, and their beaks are a reddish horn color.
Their shanks are clean, and a reddish line runs down the shanks to the toes, while the color of the shanks and toes is yellow.

New Hampshire Reds are medium-sized birds weighing around 6 to 8 pounds. Bantam versions of this breed are also available, and the bantam usually weighs between 30 and 34 ounces.
Two varieties of New Hampshire chicken are available on the market: the Blue-tailed New Hampshire Chicken and the White New Hampshire Chicken.
The blue-tailed New Hampshire is a scarce breed of chicken and was initially created in Holland. At the same time, the white New Hampshire chicken breed is expected in the United States.
This chicken breed matures faster than other chicken breeds, and its feathers grow faster.
They have a deep and broad body. New Hampshire chickens are often prone to going broody. Many chickens of this breed have pin feathers with a reddish, brownish, or buff color.
Their color is a medium-light red, which fades in the sunshine. The chickens of New Hampshire possess a single comb, whose size varies from medium to large.
For females, their combs often lop over a bit. They are good layers of chicken, but people raise them for their meat requirements.
Benefits of Raising New Hampshire Chicken
They have a variety of personalities. Some of them have a calm nature, while others are very aggressive. But most of them are docile and curious.
You can raise New Hampshire chickens in a free-range or confined area. They are healthy, which means they are resilient hens without significant issues, as noted by the health department.
This chicken is a good dual-purpose bird, but people use it as a meat chicken. Also, New Hampshire’s are pretty good layers. They are gorgeous, not noisy, and very friendly and hardy.
Problems in Raising New Hampshire Chickens

The main problems associated with raising New Hampshire chickens are that they eat a lot and are not the best mothers.
Many chicken keepers have stated that this breed is hostile to other breeds.
Being placed in a smaller coop might make them uneasy, leading to bullying and feather pecking within the flock.
New Hampshire hens may become violent toward chicks that do not follow them and if they see a chick of a different breed among their offspring.
Caring and Raising Tips for New Hampshire Chickens
Here are some of the tips that you should consider before raising this breed of chicken:
- This New Hampshire chicken can handle high temperatures but must rest in a shady area.
- Because they are free-range chickens, they will require access to a lawn or backyard to graze.
- Feed New Hampshire Reds high-quality protein-rich feed to improve their meat and eggs.
- During the winter, keep the coop warm.
- Even during winter, increase the diet of this New Hampshire chicken because they lay the most eggs.
- Regular health checks for parasites and other issues will be beneficial. Here’s our quick overview of the best chicken dewormers.
New Hampshire Chicken Facts
- If you want to raise chickens from eggs, New Hampshire Reds are one of the best choices.
- Generally, the females are great mothers to their chicks or any other babies needing a gentle beak to help them prepare for motherhood. So, they are natural brooders.
- The New Hampshire chicks grow swiftly. The hens are medium egg layers, personable, and easy to tame.
- They don’t need high fencing because they are great foragers and can’t fly.
- They are tolerant and aggressive towards other poultry birds. Likewise, they do not go broody in winter.
- New Hampshire’s are good at being kept in a cage and allowed to roam free. You can keep them free in your backyard or buy a portable or large chicken coop.
- Some New Hampshire chickens are hostile, while others are peaceful, docile, and interested. This breed may be raised in confined or free-range systems.
- The New Hampshire chickens are resilient and capable of withstanding the cold. New Hampshire chickens are good for cold weather.
- New Hampshire hens prefer free-range but are more timid in their coops. Their thick feather coats and big bodies will keep them warm in the winter. Their small single combs will keep them warmer than larger ones on other breeds.
- They need a warm, insulated coop with excellent ventilation and plenty of chicken dust-free bedding like hemp. Moisture is the leading cause of frostbite in hens, so keep the coop dry.
- Female chickens are strong and graceful hens who prefer taking things slowly and peaking at their leisure.
- They are full of life and energy. The New Hampshire Red enjoys running and roaming. They prefer to be in pairs or flocks.
- The female hens are not bothered by other pets and rooster and love to play with children. They trust her kind demeanor and subtle charm in the coop and yard.
If you want to raise chickens for meat and eggs, the New Hampshire Red is one of the best chickens in your backyard coop.
Most chicken raisers prefer this breed because it is quiet and happy to forage around your yard for tasty treats.
This chicken has stunning plumage and is in high demand in the United States. Raising them as dual-purpose hens means saving money and getting more bang for your buck.
They used to live in the shadow of the Rhode Island Red, but they’ve proven to be a unique breed in their own right, and they’re finally getting the recognition they deserve.
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