Ancona Chickens: The Ultimate Breed Guide

Are you interested in learning about these lovely Ancona chickens? This ultimate breed guide will help you with that!

This article covers the history and origin, temperament, lifespan, behaviors, egg production, weight size, and care information about the Ancona chickens.

These small-bodied landrace birds originated in Italy and later became popular in England and America.

The Ancona chicken, with its black and white plumage, is a good egg layer, laying 180 to 280 eggs yearly.

This guide is excellent for chicken enthusiasts and poultry farmers alike. Stay tuned to learn about the uniqueness of the Ancona chicken.

History and Origin

The Ancona chicken breed has a long history in Italy. The breed is named after the central Italian city of Ancona.

Early on, the breed was Italy’s most popular breed. Although its development is unknown, the breed was imported to England in 1851 and the USA in 1888.

English and American consumers flocked to Ancona chicken. It is considered a Leghorn variation, but its markings distinguish it.

Black and white mottling makes the breed stand out. Its white spangles on black feathers and intricate plumage characteristics make the Ancona unique.

Ancona chickens are tough and adaptable. Its mixed lineage, including early Leghorns and other breeds, makes it extremely hardy and adaptable.

This makes it attractive to backyard poultry individuals and small-scale farmers.


Ancona chickens live around 8 years on average. However, they can live longer with adequate care and the right environment.

These hens live long due to their toughness and hardiness. Regular veterinary checkups and mite and lice prevention are essential for Ancona chicken health.

Follow proper care instructions to extend the life of your Ancona hens and appreciate their unique traits.

Color Varieties

ancona rooster chicken
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The Ancona chicken’s famous black and white color is associated with its enticing appearance.

Mottled plumage and white spangles make this chicken breed stand out in the poultry world. The most popular color combination among enthusiasts and breeders is black and white.

The breed includes a Blue Ancona in addition to the black and white. The Blue Ancona has blue feathers instead of black and a white spangling pattern.

This unusual hue in this chicken breed gives poultry enthusiasts a new option for their flocks. The APA recognizes black and white Ancona chickens and blue ones.

Temperament and Behavior

Ancona roosters and hens are active, curious, and intelligent. They are independent and adventurous. These chickens are energetic foragers and enjoy exploring, so they need lots of space.

The Ancona roosters are protective of their flock and more robust. They can be territorial and aggressive toward other roosters, especially during mating season. Their aggressiveness can be reduced with proper care and socialization.

However, hens are calmer and friendlier. They are good foragers and adapt well to free-range habitats. Anconas are mildly flighty but do not go away from their flocks.


Ancona chicken standing
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Ancona chickens are medium-sized and striking. They look well-muscled and sleek, having a sporty look. The skin of Ancona hens is yellow.

These chickens have shiny black-and-white-mottled feathers. The mottling ranges from heavy to lighter speckling. This feather pattern makes them stand out.

They have a single-type fleshy and upright comb on their heads. Red or dark red is the standard comb color.

Anconas have red or dark red wattles. Wattles vary in size but are usually medium.

They have medium-sized white earlobes, which are smooth and round.

The yellow beaks, and their robust pointed shape, help them nibble at food and seek for insects.

Ancona birds have sturdy yellow legs. Three of their four toes point forward and one backward. Usually, the toes are yellow or light gray.

Ancona Hen Egg Production and Broodiness

Ancona hens are excellent egg layers and are non-broody. They begin laying eggs at 5–6 months.

Like Leghorn chickens, these hens lay large white-shelled eggs. Anconas lay 220 eggs annually.

The breed does not go broody or like to sit on her eggs. This makes them suitable for consistent egg production.

Small-scale farmers and backyard flockkeepers love their high-quality eggs. If you want to hatch their eggs, you need a good quality incubator.

Size and Meat Production

Ancona chickens are medium size with an attractive body structure. Adult hens weigh 4.5 lbs (2 kg), and roosters weigh 6 lbs (2.8 kg), equivalent to leghorn chickens.

Bantam Anconas weigh 570-680g (20-24 ounces) for roosters and 510-620g for hens.

The taste and quality of Ancona chicken meat are unknown. However, they are famed for their egg-laying.

Ancona Chicks Appearance

Ancona chicks are adorable and easily recognizable by their fluffy black plumage with scattered white spots. 

They have bright, alert eyes and a curious nature, which makes them fun to watch as they explore their surroundings and interact with each other.

Best Tips For Raising Ancona Chickens

ancona flock foraging
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  1. Living Space: Ancona chickens live in a spacious chicken coop due to their active nature. A well-designed coop with plenty of movement and comfy roosting spots protects their physical and mental health. They must be fenced to avoid predators and explore securely.
  2. Nutritional Diet: Ensure a balanced diet for optimal health and egg production. Add fresh greens, grains, and treats to high-quality chicken feed. This guarantees vital vitamins and minerals for their health.
  3. Regular Health Checks: Arrange regular veterinary visits to examine poultry health problems. Vaccinations, proactive healthcare, and early detection help maintain a healthy flock.
  4. Efficient Egg Collection: Due to their high egg production, Ancona chickens require a schedule for timely egg collection. This prevents eggs from breaking and prevents broody behavior, ensuring steady and efficient egg production.
  5. Suitable Nesting Boxes: Create comfortable and well-located nesting boxes. Ancona chickens are non-broody, thus providing a laying habitat that encourages their natural habits and maintains a consistent egg-laying cycle.
  6. Parasite Prevention: Control parasites regularly. Provide dust bathe area, clean chicken coops, and check for mites and lice in the coop. This preventive measure keeps your Ancona chickens healthy and clean.
  7. Socialize flocks: Observe and socialize with your Anconas to observe their behavior. Socializing with the flock fosters goodwill and helps spot problems early. A well-socialized flock is calmer and more cooperative.
  8. Proper Ventilation: Maintain a healthy environment by ensuring adequate ventilation in the coop. Good airflow reduces ammonia buildup and respiratory difficulties. Proper ventilation is essential for Ancona chicken health.
  9. Appropriate lighting: Ensure adequate light, particularly during shorter daylight hours. Proper light exposure boosts egg production and regulates laying. Utilize natural or artificial light to promote their natural habits.

Common Health Issues in Ancona Chickens

Here are a few common health issues in Ancona chickens:

Ancona hens, like other poultry breeds, can get respiratory infections, coccidiosis, and Marek’s disease.

Also, the hens rarely go broody. So, if you are thinking of breeding them, it’s difficult to do that.

Mites, lice, fleas, and worms can infest Ancona hens. Prevention and control of infestations require regular monitoring and treatment.

Poor nutrition can cause Ancona bird development, feather deformities, and egg production issues. Health depends on a balanced and nutritious diet.

Like other chicken breeds, they can suffer from heat stress, especially in hot climates. Preventing heat-related health complications requires shade, ventilation, and fresh water.

The owners of this chicken breed must check their birds’ health, practice biosecurity, and provide veterinary care when needed to guarantee their long and healthy lives.

Where to Buy Ancona Chickens?

ancona chicken standing in backyard garden
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If you want to add Ancona chickens to your flock, purchasing them offers several options. You can buy them from a local breeder or hatchery or order them online from reputable sources.

When purchasing Ancona chickens, choosing healthy birds free from disease and adequately cared for is essential. 

Several hatcheries in the USA sell this chicken breed. One of the best hatcheries for buying Ancona chicks is Hovers Hatchery. They offer healthy, vaccinated chicks and have an excellent reputation for customer service. 

The Murray McMurray Hatchery is a famous hatchery that has been in business for over 100 years and offers various breeds, including Ancona chickens. A third option is Meyer Hatchery, which has a good reputation for selling chicks.

FAQs About Ancona Chickens

How Many Eggs Do Ancona Chickens Lay?

On average, Ancona chickens lay anywhere from 180 to 280 medium-sized to large eggs annually. The hens also tend to start laying earlier than most other breeds, often at 5 months.

When Do Ancona Chickens Start Laying?

Ancona chickens typically start laying eggs at around 16 to 20 weeks. Pullets reared early in the year may even begin laying at 16 weeks and lay persistently all year.

They are known for being consistent and prolific layers and can lay anywhere from 180 to 280 medium to large white-shelled eggs annually. They tend to start laying earlier than most other breeds.

What Do Ancona Chickens Look Like?

Ancona chickens have a black mottled with white coloration, with irregular white spots on a predominantly black background. They have a slender body shape, long legs, bright red comb, and wattles.

How Long Do Ancona Chickens Live?

Ancona chickens can live up to eight years with proper vaccinations. However, nutrition, diseases, predators, and breed factors can affect their lifespan. 

Like a well-built chicken coop, a well-balanced diet with water and safe living conditions can help the chickens’ longevity. They are known for being relatively healthy if vaccinations are maintained.


In conclusion, Ancona chickens are a beautiful and productive breed that may be an excellent choice for your backyard flock. 

They are hardy and adaptable birds, making them suitable for various environments and climates. Ancona flocks are also friendly and active, so they are a good choice for families with children or other pets.

It would be best if you took extra precautions to ensure the safety of Ancona chickens because they are known for their ability to fly. 

Additionally, they require proper care and attention to thrive, so be prepared to invest time and resources into their care.

Overall, if you’re looking for a reliable source of fresh eggs and a beautiful addition to your backyard flock, the Ancona chicken may be the perfect choice.

Bijaya Kumar
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