10 Best Chicken Breeds for Urban Backyards
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10 Best Chicken Breeds for Urban Backyards

Are you searching for the best chicken breeds for your urban backyards?

Do you want eggs from your city backyard but are not sure what chicken breed is best for you?

Some of the recommended chicken breeds for limited urban backyard environments are Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, Australorps, Wyandottes, Easter Eggers, Silkies, Sussex, Cochins, and Brahmas, which can be found in local stores.

They are small, quiet, and friendly, and they lay a lot of eggs.

Your choice of chicken breed significantly affects the success of your chicken farming operation, be it your first venture or an expansion of your existing urban farm.

People know these top 10 chicken breeds for their egg-laying, personality, and kid-friendliness.

Let’s learn together about these wondrous breeds and together we will decide which birdies would be the best for the wonderful setting of your home.


Important points:

  • We specifically chose the top 10 chicken breeds recommended for urban coops for their adaptability to small spaces and quiet behavior, making them perfect for backyard environments.
  • These breeds excel in egg-laying ability, with most producing between 200-300 eggs annually, making them ideal for families seeking fresh eggs regularly.
  • All selected breeds show friendly personalities and low maintenance requirements, making them good options for beginners in chicken keeping.
  • Most of these breeds are cold hardy and can handle different weather, though some may need extra care during extreme temperatures.
  • Exemplary egg-laying and small size make certain chicken breeds the best choice for small areas.

Key Considerations Before Getting Chickens For Your Urban Home

Before walking down the lane of chicken breeds, you need to sort out a few key factors that will probably affect your success with urban chicken keeping.

It is important to note that the local environment and personal circumstances are priorities in determining which breeds of chickens will flourish in your backyard.

Space Constraints and Radial Norms

With each locality, there is a diverse set of rules concerning the keeping of domestic birds. Find out the particular flock size, coop location, and rooster permit from your local zoning authority.

Trips should also start from a minimum of 4 square feet per chicken in the coop and 10 square feet per bird in the run area in urban settings. Some municipalities have also made it mandatory that the distances between coops and property lines are small.

Effects of Climate

The climate of the area where you stay is one of the major factors that determines the success of the breeds in your yard. Look for both types of climates, summer, and winter:

  • Hot climates need breeds with smaller combs and lighter feathering.
  • Breeds that are compact and have dense feathers are essential in cold areas.
  • Moderate climates are more adaptable to the breed choice.

Noise Levels and Neighbor Issues

By living so close to your neighbors, you must consider the noise factor so you will not be a nuisance. Mainly, hens are quiet but they do crow sometimes, always after laying eggs. Ask yourself:

  • Selecting breeds that are both quiet and calm.
  • Placing the coop away from neighbor houses.
  • Engaging in ongoing dialogue to be a good neighbor.
  • Desiring the chickens to be in their environment before washing them.

These are crucial factors that you need to pay attention to before determining which ones to raise so that you can teach chickens in urban areas.

Before getting backyard chickens, check local laws, space, climate, and resources.

Rhode Island Reds: The Ultimate Urban Chick Starter

Rhode Island Reds: The Ultimate Urban Chick Starter
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Adaptable and easy-going, Rhode Island Reds are great for beginner city chicken keepers.

Temperament and Personality 

Some of these birds might not be aggressive, but they will be likely to unfairly dominate the kind and watchful animal group! However, all of them, including children, are very friendly towards us.

Such personalities help us a lot when we choose the birds for our family, as they are friendly and can play with us. Even though they can be a little pushy on the flock, they seldom show aggressive behavior towards their keepers.

Exemplary Egg Production Performance

One major thing that will attract the attention of everyone to Rhode Island Reds is their very strong egg-laying capability. These birds are the best ones for egg-laying, besides their appearance.

They are also called the RIRs, as they lay eggs starting from their 20-22 weeks and almost do it without stopping throughout the year. They would produce around 250-300 big brown eggs on average annually.

Space and Housing Requirements

Rhode Island Reds are remarkably adaptable to space constraints, needing only 4 square feet in the barn and 8 to 10 square feet in the run per bird. Their medium size makes them fit well into standard urban backyard setups, which are mostly limited in space.

Climate Adaptability

These hardy birds can prosper under different weather. Their thick feathers keep them safe during the cold of winter and, on the other hand, they can also handle hot summer when given proper shade and ventilation reasonably well.

Low Maintenance Care

Their robust health and easy care have made the Rhode Island Reds a favorite among beginning chicken farmers. They dig well, making it easy for the birds to forage instead of feeding, and they have an extraordinary immune system that protects them from common poultry diseases.

Rhode Island Reds represent another breed that is among the best in terms of egg production, simplicity of maintenance, and good temper which can be listed as vital points for urban beginners looking for reliable breeds in the backyard.

Buff Orpingtons: The Friendly Giants

Buff Orpingtons: The Friendly Giants
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Buff Orpingtons, known for their peace-loving nature and incredible size, has rightfully earned the title of the gentle giant of the chicken world. These golden-feathered creatures are a brilliant choice for urban backyards, particularly if you want an animal that is friendly and gentle.

Personality Traits

These birds exhibit a very calm and friendly disposition, making them perfectly suitable for families with children. Their owners report they follow them around the yard and enjoy being handled. Their gentle nature makes them ideal therapy dogs, and beginners seeking an easy-going breed often choose them.

Physical Characteristics

Buff Orpingtons are distinguished by the celestial color of their golden feathers, which is quite a handful of color and yet puffy and fluffy. That these Hens are round-bodied and puffy makes them seem more huge than they really are. Hens weigh on average 7-8 pounds and the roosters can reach up to 10 pounds.

Egg Production

The Buff Orpingtons are the easy-going girls that can put out about 200-280 light brown eggs yearly. They may not be the most prolific layers, but they pay for it with their consistent laying even during winter months. They are also very good mothers, so they sometimes go broody.

Space and Care Requirements

Buff Orpingtons need 4-5 sq ft per bird in the coop, and 10 sq ft per bird in the run. They survive cold weather with thick feathers, but hot summers need extra care to prevent overheating.

Overall, the overarching quality of the animal stands out above Buff Orpingtons. Perfect for urban chicken keepers who need friendly, adaptable hens with consistent egg laying.

Easter Eggers Adding Color to Your Flock

free ranging easter egger hen, they are one of the best blue-green egg laying chickens
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The colorful eggs of Easter Eggers are exciting and fun. So much so that these hybrids containing blue egging gene of plenty of breeds riding these birds are anyway very popular among the city chicken keepers.

Colorful Egg Production

In these years, adhering to the norm in this situation would mean using 200-280 methods, leading to identical eggs from each hen.

The egg color options usually make for a diversified brood too. From sage color through sea foam color to olive color, the sprightly release of each egg is always a pretty cool adventure.

Temperament and Personality

The docile and friendly nature of the Easter Eggers makes them wonderful pets, particularly for families with children.

Their curious and active nature leads them to forage for food and they are too sufficient in both free-ranging and confined environments. They have a very calm disposition which makes them super easy to manage and suitable for beginners.

Space and Care Requirements

These medium-sized birds require little help from their humans to survive in urban settings. Provide about 4 square feet per bird in their coops; they’ll adapt easily, and they can adjust to different climates without issue.

Their rigid feathers protect their bodies from the cold while their lively nature will allow them to be cool in warm conditions.

Appearance Variety

Unlike standardized breeds, the Easter Eggers are, in fact, of different colors and patterns. You might see birds with muffs and beards, different comb types, and countless feather color combinations. This variation contributes to the initial visual interest of your backyard flock.

Easter Eggers are friendly, adaptable chickens that lay colorful eggs, making them perfect for urban backyards. Their diverse appearance and easy-going nature combine beauty with practicality.

Bantam Breeds Perfect for Tiny Spaces

A small tiny Japanese bantam chicken
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When you have a tiny area in your urban backyard, the bantam chickens can be a great alternative. Just weighing 1-2.5 lb. Making minor changes to regular chicken breeds can be a fantastic option for keeping a small number of hens for fresh eggs or entertainment.

Space-Saving Superstars

Indeed, bantams certainly demand less space compared to their full-sized counterparts. While standard chickens need 4 square feet of coop space per bird, bantams actually require only 2 square feet each.

You can also rely on their size to house more birds in a limited area, and this way, you can maximize your egg production capability.

Popular Bantam Varieties

Many bantam breeds are perfect for urban places. The Sebright bantam is one of them. This bird stands out with its magnificent laced feathers, but it is also quite good at adapting to confinement.

Dutch bantams are friendly and excel in foraging, while Japanese bantams captivate with their parent tails and docile nature. Cochin bantams are unique in that they have fluffy feathered feet and are gentle; thus, they can be wonderful pets.

Egg Production Considerations

Although the eggs of bantams are smaller – almost half the size of standard eggs – they still lay consistently. Additionally, most bantam hens can produce up to 150-200 eggs in a year.

Their eggs also contain the same nutritional value as the ones from the bigger birds, there are just smaller items in the pack.

Care and Management

Bantams are usually strong and need the same care that you would give to the bigger type but in lesser quantity. They, however, are very much prone to predators because of their small size.

Moreover, you should not forget that smaller bodies mean more chances of catching a cold. Thus, the key to their well-being lies in having shelters that are comfortable and draught-free.

Bantam chickens are excellent choices for urban yards, which are smaller compared to other types of chickens and still, provide you with fresh eggs and also become lovely pets and friendly creatures.

Plymouth Rocks: The All-Purpose Urban Chicken

lovely and cute barred plymouth rock chicken
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Plymouth Rocks are one of the most versatile and popular chicken breeds for urban backyards. 

These friendly birds, recognized as excellent all-rounders and able to become perfect companions even for beginners, have more than enough tutorials available online for first-time chicken owners.

Appearance and Size

Their uniquely patterned black-and-white striped feathers easily identify Plymouth Rocks, especially Barred ones. 

They are medium-sized birds that are the best fit for essential-sized urban spaces, by the way; hens weigh about 7.5 pounds and roosters may weigh up to about 9.5 pounds.

Egg Production

These are the ones to rely on since they have a 200-280 brown egg production capacity annually. 

Their uniform laying pattern makes them the ideal option if you want to get 4-5 of such eggs per week regardless of what others are doing in winter.


Plymouth rocks are famed for their passive character and welcoming disposition towards human beings. 

Hence, they can successfully adapt to confinement in urban spaces, and on the occasion of being let out, they will use their forage skills.

Climate Adaptability

Hardy and vigorous are the two words that answer the question of what these birds are like in winter and moderately hot weather. 

Excellent insulation, thanks to their thick feathers, is a characteristic of these birds, although they seek shade during the hottest summer days.

Care Requirements

Plymouth Rocks are low-maintenance birds that require routine care:

– Feed regularly with a quality layer feed

– Clean, fresh water daily

– Basic health monitoring

– Standard coop maintenance

Plymouth Rocks are urban backyard chickens that are easy to keep for their beginner-friendly requirements. They offer a steady supply of eggs and are friendly, they do not prefer specific climates.

Wyandottes: The Hardy and Variety Color Chicken

Wyandottes: The Hardy and Variety Color Urban Chicken
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Wyandottes are hands down the best breed for urban farms. Uniquely, these birds combine fun and beauty with functionality. They are among the most versatile species for backyard flocks.

Appearance and Temperament

Wyandottes have a very peculiar wedge-shaped fluffy top head and a rounded body. They also have such personalities children will not love that I cannot imagine them. 

Conversely, this breed exhibits more than sociability. Cats and even other chickens will accept them if they slow down a bit when all the other flocks are eating. 

Wyandotte plumage is visually appealing. It is available in multiple colors and shades. These birds are calm, the best for any close-quarter life.

Space and Climate Adaptability

Wyandottes fancy narrow cages, tin, and other metals or limited space they want to dwell in and they are also very adaptable. 

They are also great for urban locations because of that they have the potential to withstand warm winters and cool summers. 

Each bird requires approximately 4 square feet in a coop.

Production Benefits

They have a regular output of 200-240 brown eggs per year. Additionally, their thick musculature allows them to be an excellent meat source. Wyandottes maintain their high summer egg production over winter, which means the farm place will pay all year.

Care Requirements

– Routine feather care

– Dedicated feeding schedule

– Basic healthcare checkups

– You should clean the coop weekly.

Clean nesting boxes and adequate ventilation are some examples of the minor conveniences that Wyandottes require in their living area, even though they are an incredibly resilient breed.

Wyandottes are hardy, adaptable chickens that are great for urban homes because they can produce eggs consistently with less effort and grow practically anywhere and in the smallest areas.

Sussex: The Quiet Neighbor-Friendly Choice

Sussex: The Quiet Neighbor-Friendly Urban chicken
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The Sussex breed is a perfect choice for an urban backyard where tending to the neighbors is a top priority. They are sweet birds, and their calm and noiseless behavior makes them the most suitable for a residence.

Gentle Temperament

Sussex chickens are friendly and docile, contributing to their suitability for families with small children. 

They are very pliable in their handling and are docile, leaving behind most of their neighbor disturbance factor and thus creating a calming environment in the backyard.

Noise Level

If you compare it to some other species, you might say that Sussex chickens are layers that make little noise. 

They will announce their egg-laying endeavors with a light cluck instead of a loud, prolonged squawk. This makes them especially suitable for urban areas where there might be a noise restriction in place.

Space Adaptation

These medium-sized birds can easily adapt to small living spaces, but they prefer having sufficient space for foraging. 

Three or four Sussex chickens comfortably fit in a standard 4×4 foot coop, making them a good choice for a modest urban backyard.

Egg Production Benefits

Sussex fowl are trustworthy breeders, producing around 250 light brown eggs every year. 

Their persistent laying cycle and peaceful nature allow you to delight in fresh eggs without upsetting your neighborhood’s quietness.

Health and Hardiness

These birds exemplify stamina and versatility. They can withstand extremely high or freezing temperatures and are accordingly hard birds that can survive in a range of conditions.

Docile Sussex hens are ideal for urban backyards, laying reliably and being friendly to neighbors.

Managing Your Urban Flock

Rearing a flock of chickens in an urban locale causes thoughtful consideration and regular chicken care. Let’s investigate the critical areas of urban flock management.

Daily Care Routines

Establish a regular daily routine for your urban chickens. In the morning, the first thing to do would be to open up the coop and give them fresh water & grain food. For other types of chickens, checking for any signs of illness or discomfort would be ideal.

Collect eggs at least once a day, preferably in the morning when most of the hens have done their laying. This way, eggs will not get dirty or broken, thus helping to keep a clean coop.

In the evening, check that all the chickens are inside the coop before sunset. This will protect them from night-time hunters, which might lurk in urban areas. Every night before bed, make sure you tie the coop door shut with strong netting.

Space Management Tips

Limited space requires the productive management of an urban backyard. For one chicken, at least 4 sq. ft. of coop area and 8-10 sq. ft. of run area be provided. 

By doing this, it becomes possible for the chickens to avoid the constraints that might otherwise come their way and enjoy natural movements with ease.

Another way is that you can grow plants in a vertical manner. Grow non-conventional plants such as climbing peas that are easy to maintain and become vertical. 

Also, ornamental features such as trellises can be installed in order to occupy the required space for new plants. Alternatively, selective shrub placement benefits birds only.

By being tactful in performing the right maintenance routines, you can ensure all the areas are clean. The act of keeping your coop and run litter-free is very important for its overall functioning. 

This also saves you from the embarrassment of such installations attracting your neighbors who are sensitive to the slightest foul odor.

One method used for the management of eco-resources is grass rotation. Rotating plants in the run areas is one method of other plants’ growth areas. 

Use two-run installations to control bird populations and maintain healthy cover crops.

Successful flock management in the city is based on repeatable daily care practices and effective area usage leading to the chickens’ optimum development and the absolute cooperation of the neighbors.


What is the minimum space requirement per chicken in an urban backyard?

In the case of standard-size chickens, it is necessary to have at least 4 square feet for each hen in the coop and 10 square feet in the run. You require less space if you want to use the Bantam breeds. 

In the coop, they need about 2 square feet per bird and 5 square feet in the run. Remember that chickens are happier and healthier when they have a larger space.

How long does it typically take for backyard chickens to start laying eggs?

A majority of the chicken breeds start to lay eggs at any age between 18 and 22 weeks. However, several factors can affect a bird’s ability to lay by season, light hours, and breed type. Also, the taste of hybrids may be faster than the way heritage breeds develop.

Can different chicken breeds live together in the same coop?

Definitely, different chicken breeds can live together in harmony in one coop. But make certain that together to keep from being bullied, birds of similar sizes are kept. 

Experiment with breeds that are friendly together and avoid mixing aggressive ones with docile ones.

How do urban noise and activity levels affect backyard chickens?

Most chicken breeds can live in urban areas. Usually, the typical city sounds circulate through their shells, for example, traffic, and lawnmowers. 

Some calmer hen breeds, like Buff Orpington or Australorps, can bear urban tension without so much trouble.

What’s the average lifespan of backyard chickens, and how long do they lay eggs?

Backyard chickens ‌live a long life like 5-10 years, while those who are mature have been given extra attention to like the breeds. In the 1st and 2nd years of the chicken, the most quantity of egg-laying happens. 

Following that, the production rate goes down slowly. A few heritage breeds are, with their having the phenomenon of slow laying, only of the longest time.

How can I protect my backyard flock from extreme temperatures?

To manage heat stress, make sure your chickens have a very good quality shelter with ventilation. Use draft-free staging in your cold hardy chicken breeds with small combs in the areas you serve them. 

A cold-day therapy that is noted for its capabilities of dispersing heat in poultry species is a worth considering step too. The free flow of cool and fresh air will be established. 

Also, among the birds, the water from the sources will not be polluted, and the birds will not get the bacterium or virus transmitted directly. In the hot summer, the birds must have a lot of water and shade. 


Embarking on your journey of urban chicken-keeping is a fascinating adventure that causes the choice of a breed most appropriate for your backyard. 

Suitable urban farming breeds include Rhode Island Reds and Brahmas. To effectively raise your chickens, you must first consider them after you get some understanding of their needs and their abilities. 

When making your decision, it is recommended to evaluate the criteria of egg-laying ability, the space needed, and the nature of the individuals. 

The Buff Orpingtons are fluffy and friendly, while the Easter Eggers lay colorful eggs, making this adventure exciting. 

You can go ahead with your backyard chicken life journey. Just visit your local store or a trusted employee at a reputable breeder’s shop to choose one you have met.

Prepare to enter your urban home with these little creatures, gardening some diverse landscapes and creating a symbiotic relationship with you as a micro-urban pioneer.

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