Are you searching for the best heat tolerant chickens for hot weather areas? If so, this list must help you choose one.
A few chicken breeds love to free-range in sunlight, while others only forage in tree shade and low sunlight during winters. It’s up to you whether you need an egg-laying, meat, dual-purpose, or pet chicken.
In this guide, you will get the top list of hot weather chickens that easily tolerate heat and also various FAQs about these heat hardy chickens.
What Are Heat Tolerant Chickens?
Heat tolerant chickens are a special breed of chicken that can withstand higher temperatures than other chickens. They are popular under various names, like:
- Heat hardy chickens.
- Heat tolerant chickens.
- Hot weather chickens.
These chickens are usually bred in hotter climates and have loose feathers that help keep them cool. They also have a higher tolerance for sun and heat exposure.
Heat tolerant chicken breeds are also known to be more resistant to disease and parasites. This is because, in hotter climates, these parasites and diseases are more prevalent.
This quality will help keep your flock healthy and safe from these threats. Hot weather chicken breeds also survive on less food and water than other chickens, making them ideal for hot, arid climates.
Compared to other chicken breeds, heat tolerant chickens are less likely to overheat and die in hot weather. Another trait of these breeds is that they don’t mind being confined to a small space.
This makes them great for urban living or for those who have limited space for their chicken coop.
If you live in a hot climate or are looking for a chicken that can withstand higher temperatures, then heat tolerant chicken breeds are the right choice for you.
Top 13 Best Heat Tolerant Chickens for Hot Weather: (List With Pictures)
Here is the list of the top 13 best heat hardy chicken breeds for hot climate areas:
1. Orpingtons

This British breed is large and beautiful, with feathers that come in a variety of colors. It was bred by William Cook in the late 1800s and is known for being a good all-around chicken. Orpingtons are good heat tolerant chickens and do well in all climates.
- They have a sturdy body and can withstand hot weather conditions.
- Fluffed-out feathers help protect them from the sun and heat.
- Curvy shape with a broad breast.
- Their feathers are dense and their legs are short.
- This chicken breed lays 180-200 medium to large light brown eggs in a year.
- They weigh between 7 to 8 pounds and are considered a medium-large breed.
- They are friendly, docile chickens that do well with children and other animals.
2. Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not an actual chicken breed but rather a hybrid of two different chicken breeds. The chicken is an interbreed of a blue egg-laying chicken and a brown egg-laying chicken.
They are good heat tolerant chickens that work well in summer. They are also popular for their amazing looks.
- Easter Eggers have a variety of feather colors, including black, blue, lavender, white, and red.
- Most Easter Eggers have mottled feathers, which is a mix of two colors.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually red or pink.
- Easter Eggers lay between 200-220 large, colorful eggs per year. The color of the egg can range from blue to green to brown to pink.
- They weigh between 4-5 pounds and are considered a medium size breed.
- Easter Eggers are friendly chickens that do well with children and other animals.
3. Brahma Chickens

The Brahma chicken is a large, docile bird that was originally bred in the United States in the mid-19th century. It is one of the most popular chicken breeds and is well known for being heat tolerant.
- Brahma chickens are large birds, with roosters weighing in at around 10 pounds and hens around 8 pounds.
- They have feathers that range in color from light buff to dark brown, with some birds having a mixture of both colors.
- This breed is an excellent egg layer, with hens laying around 200 brown eggs per year.
- Brahma chickens are large birds, but they are also docile and make good pets.
- However, Brahmas can be aggressive towards other chickens, so it is best to keep them separate from other birds if possible.
4. Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens

The Barred Plymouth Rock chicken is a popular breed that was developed in the United States in the 19th century. It is a dual-purpose chicken, meaning it can be used for both egg production and meat production.
- Barred Plymouth Rocks are medium-sized birds, with roosters weighing in at about 7 to 8 pounds and hens about 5 to 6 pounds.
- They have a barred plumage pattern, which means they have dark feathers with light-colored stripes running through them.
- Barred Plymouth Rocks are good egg layers, with hens laying about 200 light brown eggs per year.
- Barred Plymouth Rocks are medium-sized birds, with roosters weighing in at about 7 to 8 pounds and hens about 5 to 6 pounds.
- They are friendly and docile birds, making them good for both backyard flocks and children’s petting zoos.
5. Rhode Island Reds

The Rhode Island Red is an American breed of chicken that was developed in the state of Rhode Island in the late 19th century. The chicken is a cross between a Malaysian jungle fowl and a New Hampshire red chicken.
RIRs are one of the most popular chicken breeds raised worldwide. They are also the most heat hardy chickens and can tolerate high temperatures.
- RIRs have red and black feathers on their tail and wings.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually red or pink.
- Males and females look similar, but males tend to be larger.
- The Rhode Island Red chicken breed lays 250-300 large, brown eggs per year.
- RIR chicken is a large bird, with roosters weighing in at around 8 pounds and hens around 6 pounds.
- They are friendly, docile birds that do well with children and other animals.
6. Andalusians

Andalusians are a Mediterranean breed, and like other Mediterranean breeds, they’re built for hot weather. They are a cross between two ancient Spanish chicken breeds, and they are well-known for being good layers of white eggs.
The Andalusians are heat tolerant, but they can also tolerate cold weather quite well. They are a dual-purpose breed, meaning they can be used for both meat and egg production.
- Andalusians are medium-sized birds, with roosters weighing in at around 6 pounds and hens around 4 pounds.
- They have blue-gray feathers with some white on their wings and tails.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually white.
- Andalusians are good egg layers, with hens laying around 180 white eggs per year.
- Andalusians are medium-sized birds, with roosters weighing in at around 6 pounds and hens around 4 pounds. They are friendly birds that do well with other animals and children.
7. Welsummer chicken

The Welsummer chicken is a Dutch breed that was developed in the early 20th century. It is a dual-purpose breed, meaning it can be used for both egg production and meat production.
They are good chickens for hot weather. You can keep them inside portable chicken coops or allow them to free range.
- Their eggs are a dark brown color with red flecks.
- They are a medium-sized breed, weighing between 6 and 7 pounds.
- They are known for their friendly and docile temperament.
- The Welsummer chicken is a great egg layer, producing up to 180 eggs per year. The eggs are a dark brown color with red flecks.
- Welsummer chickens are a medium-sized breed, weighing between 5 and 6 pounds.
- Welsummer chickens are known for their friendly and docile temperament. They are easy to handle and make great pets.
8. Fayoumi chicken

This is an Egyptian breed that was developed in the Fayoum oasis southwest of Cairo. It was developed by crossing native Egyptian chickens with Asian breeds.
The Fayoumi chicken is another one of the best heat tolerant chickens that does well in hot weather.
- Fayoumi chickens are a small breed, with roosters weighing in at around 4 pounds and hens around 3 pounds.
- They have white feathers with some black on their wings and tails.
- Fayoumis have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually white.
- Fayoumi chickens are good egg layers, with hens laying around 150 small, tinted to off-white eggs per year.
- They are friendly chickens that do well with other animals and children. However, they can be flighty when they are first handled.
- Fayoumis should be socialized from a young age to get them used to being handled by humans.
9. White Leghorn

The White Leghorn is an Italian breed that was developed in the city of Livorno in Tuscany. It is a heat tolerant breed that does well in hot weather. The White Leghorn is an excellent layer of white eggs.
- They are a small breed, with roosters weighing in at around 4 pounds and hens around 3 pounds.
- White Leg Horns have white feathers with some black on their wings and tails.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually red.
- White Leghorn chickens are good egg layers, with hens laying around 300-320 small white eggs per year. This makes them good for commercial egg production.
- White Leghorn chickens are a small breed, with roosters weighing in at around 4 pounds and hens around 3 pounds.
- They are active birds that can be flighty when they are first handled. They should be socialized from a young age to get them used to being handled by humans.
Also read: How to Clip Chicken Wings? — To Stop Their Flying
10. New Hampshire Reds

The New Hampshire Red is an American breed that was developed in the state of New Hampshire in the early 20th century.
It is a dual-purpose breed, meaning it can be used for both egg production and meat production. The New Hampshire Red chicken is a heat tolerant breed that does well in hot weather.
- They are a medium large sized breed, with roosters weighing in at around 7.5 pounds and hens at around 6.5 pounds.
- New Hampshire Reds have red feathers with some black on their wings and tails.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually red.
- New Hampshire Red chickens are good egg layers, with hens laying around 200 light brown eggs per year.
- New Hampshire Red chickens are a medium-sized breed, with roosters weighing in at around 7 pounds and hens at around 5 pounds.
- They are active birds that can be flighty when they are first handled. This is why it is important to socialize them from a young age so they get used to being handled by humans.
11. Sumatra

The Sumatra is an Indonesian breed that was developed on the island of Sumatra. It is a tropical breed that does well in hot weather.
The Sumatra is a good winter egg layer and ornamental chicken. People keep them for fighting chickens.
- They are a medium-sized breed, with roosters weighing in at around 7 pounds and hens at around 5 pounds.
- Sumatras have black feathers with some white on their wings and tails.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually black.
- Sumatra chickens are average egg layers, with hens laying around 100 white eggs per year.
- They are medium-sized birds that are popular for being calm and docile. They make great pets and are good with children.
- However, they can be flighty when they are first handled.
12. Minorca

The Minorca is a Spanish breed that was developed on the island of Minorca. It is known for its good egg production. It is one of the best heat tolerant chickens.
- They are a large breed, with roosters weighing in at around 9 pounds and hens around 7 pounds.
- Minorca have white feathers with some black on their wings and tails.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually white.
- Minorca chickens are good egg layers, with hens laying around 250 large white eggs per year.
- Minorca chickens are a large breed, with roosters weighing in at around 9 pounds and hens around 7 pounds.
- They are active and playful birds that can be flighty when they are first handled.
13. Appenzellers

The Appenzeller is a Swiss breed that was developed in the canton of Appenzell. The Appenzeller is a dual-purpose breed, meaning it can be used for both egg production and ornamental purposes.
- They are a medium-sized breed, with roosters weighing in at around 7 pounds and hens at around 5 pounds.
- Appenzellers have black feathers with some white on their wings and tails.
- They have a single comb and wattles.
- Their earlobes are usually black.
- Appenzeller chickens are good egg layers, with hens laying around 200 white shelled eggs per year.
- Appenzeller chickens are a medium-sized breed, with roosters weighing in at around 7 pounds and hens around 5 pounds.
- They are active birds and intolerant of confinement. They can also be flighty when they are first handled.
Can Heat Hardy Hens Lay Eggs During Hot Weather?
Yes, heat hardy hens can lay eggs during hot weather. However, their egg production may be lower than usual during the summer months.
If you live in a climate that is extremely hot, you may want to consider giving your chickens a break from laying eggs during the hottest months of the year.
You can also try to control the temperature in your chicken coop by adding a fan or by shading the coop. Allowing your chickens to free-range during the hot hours of the day can also help them stay cool during hot weather.
How Much Heat Chickens Can Tolerate?
Chickens can tolerate temperatures up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they will start to experience heat stress at around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Heat stress can decrease egg production, cause feather loss, and even lead to death. Hot weather chicken breeds are more resistant to heat stress and can tolerate higher temperatures.
When the temperature starts to get hot, make sure your chickens have access to plenty of water and shade. You may also want to consider giving them a break from laying eggs during the hottest months of the year.
If you live in a hot climate, you may want to consider raising one of the best heat tolerant chicken breeds.
These chicken breeds are more resistant to heat stress and can tolerate higher temperatures. However, all chickens will need access to plenty of water and shade during hot weather.