How Long Can Chickens Go Without Food
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How Long Can Chickens Go Without Food?

How long can chickens go without food? Let’s find out the answer. Chickens are one of the most self-sufficient livestock to raise, and if food is available, they can usually find it on their own. 

However, in order for them to live and develop properly, their diet must be maintained. A chicken can survive for a few days without food, as any more than that will lead to severe malnutrition.

Chickens are quite self-sufficient, but even if they may forage whenever they choose, they need a nutritious, balanced diet to thrive and live long. Food shortages can have a detrimental impact on both chicken health and egg production

If you’re away from home or unable to give your hens food for a variety of reasons, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Let’s look at how a lack of feed daily can harm your hens and what you can do about it.

How Long Can Chickens Go Without Food?

Chickens can typically go without food for around 4-5 days, but this varies depending on the age and breed of the chicken. Chickens need to be fed regularly in order to maintain their health; if they go too long without food, they may become weak or sick.

The first hatchlings (baby chicks) don’t suffer the risk of starving, dehydration or dying while waiting for the others to come out. It’s the same reason why hatcheries can ship baby chicks without food or water for the journey. 

Adult chickens, on the other hand, can only go a day or two without food and water. If you’re planning to be away for more than this, it’s important to make arrangements for someone to check on and feed your chickens in your absence.

You also need to avoid scorching weather as it will make them dehydrate within 8 hours. Use a good quality electrolyte and vitamin supplement to rehydrate your baby chicks.

Sav-A-Chick Electrolyte & Vitamin Supplement (3-0.2 oz Packets) Bundled with Sav-A-Chick Probiotic Digestive Supplement for Poultry (3-0.2 oz Packets) - Six 0.2 oz Packets Total
  • Size - Each packet is 0.2 oz, you will receive 6...
  • Use Case - Useful for farming and poultry care. 1...
  • Farm Supplies - Formulated specifically for chickens,...
  • Healthy - Sav-A-Chick probiotic supplement provides...
  • Bundle - You will receive 1x Sav-A-Chick Electrolyte...

Last update on 2025-01-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

How Much Feed Do Chickens Eat in a Day? 

The amount of feed a chicken eats in a day depends on its age, breed, and activity level. A chick will eat about 1/4 cup of feed per day, while an adult chicken can eat up to 1 1/2 cups of feed per day.

If your chickens are free-ranging, they may eat less than this, as they will be able to find some of their food on their own. However, if your chickens are confined to a coop or run, they will need to eat the full amount of feed to get all the nutrients they need.

How Long Can Baby Chicks Go Without Food?

Baby chicks can typically go without food for around 4 days, but this varies depending on the age and breed of the chicken. Chickens need to eat regularly in order to maintain their health; if they go too long without food, they may become weak or sick.

Early hatchlings won’t starve since they still have access to the yolk sac, but after 4 days they will need to start eating solid food. It’s important to make sure that baby chicks have access to food and water at all times, so they can grow up healthy and strong.

Why Do Chickens Need Food at Regular Intervals?

Chickens need food at regular intervals because they are constantly growing and molting. When chickens stop eating, they stop growing and molting. 

This can cause serious health problems for the chicken, including stunted growth, reduced egg production, and poor feather quality. Chickens should therefore be given access to food at all times.

If it is chicks, you will need to feed them more often than adult chickens. Chicks generally eat every two to four hours, while adult chickens can usually go four to six hours between meals. 

It is important to make sure that chicks always have access to food and water, as they can become dehydrated very easily.

Can Chickens Go Without Food Overnight?

Chickens can go a night without food and water. Broody hens are the only ones who may get up to eat and drink during this time, but it is uncommon.

Just like us, humans, in that they are diurnal. They’re lively during the day and sleep at night, similar to people. Chickens are instinctive in understanding what they need to do, making it very simple to keep them organized each evening. 

Instead, your flock will automatically return to the coop and settle down on their perches once they’ve finished eating.

The night is when chickens digest what they’ve consumed; the food empties in preparation for feeding the next day. That is why if you were to check on your flock at midnight with a torch, they’d be startled by your arrival.

The dark has a sedative effect on chickens, and it’s one of the several reasons why this is an excellent time to perform any activity that needs your birds to be compliant and attentive.


Chickens need to be fed at regular intervals to maintain their health. Baby chicks can go without food for around 4 days, while adult chickens can only go 4-5 days before they become very weak.

If you’re planning to be away for more than this, it’s important to make arrangements for someone to check on and feed your chickens. 

Below are ways you can keep your chickens fed when you are away:

Harris Farms Galvanized Hanging Poultry Feeder, 30 Pounds
  • Heavy duty galvanized feeder
  • features rolled edges for safey and a convenient...
  • Design makes for easy 3 position height adjustment and...
  • feeds 30-50 birds

Last update on 2025-01-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Get a big feeder: This is particularly important if you have a lot of chickens. A big feeder will help to make sure that all of your chickens can eat at the same time and that there is enough food for everyone. It will also hold enough food for the days that you are away.

Get a slow-release feeder: Slow-release feeders are a great way to make sure that your chickens have access to food even when you’re not around. They work by gradually releasing food over some time, so your chickens will never go hungry.

Below are some best guides on chicken feeders: 

KEBONNIXS Automatic Chicken Cup Waterer and Port Feeder Set, 2 Gallon/10 Pounds
  • AUTOMATIC CUP WATERER - The drinking cup automatically...
  • EASY CLEAN CUP WATERER - The unique doubel wall...
  • NO-WASTE FEEDER - The feeding port makes chickens can't...
  • FEEDER WITH RAIN HOOD - Keep feed always dry, no need...
  • 2 GALLON / 10 LBS CAPACITY - Holds 2 gallon water and...

Last update on 2025-01-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Get a waterer: Chickens need water just as much as they need food. A waterer will help to make sure that your chickens always have access to fresh, clean water.

Here are a few articles about chicken drinkers:

Get a timer: You can get a timer that will automatically release food at regular intervals. This is a great way to make sure that your chickens are always fed, even when you’re not around.

With a little bit of planning, you can make sure that your chickens are always well-fed, even when you’re not around. Therefore, don’t hesitate to go on vacation and enjoy your time away.


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