The Sebright chicken is one of the most beautiful ornamental birds. The British chicken breed is only available in a bantam size. Keep reading to learn more about Sebrights.
This breed guide includes life expectancy, history, egg production, temperament, color, size, appearance, characteristics, raising benefits, care guide, and more about Sebright chicken.
So, let’s start this informative post about this most popular bantam chicken breed.
What is Sebright Chicken?
Sebright is one of the most popular small chicken breeds. There is no standard large size of this miniature bird.
Moreover, this chicken is well-known for its friendly behavior with its owners. So, most of the chicken raisers recommend this bird for keeping as a pet.
Sebright is ranked number 10 on the American bantam Association’s list of top bantam chicken breeds. The Sebright roosters are one of the best bantams in the world.
History of Sebright Chicken

Sebright chickens are one of the oldest bantam breeds and are still popular. The Sebright chicken was developed by Sir John Saunders in the early 1800s.
John Saunders Sebright was trying to get a show chicken breed, and the result was this beautiful Sebright fowl. Standard or large sizes are not available for this chicken breed. The bird is shiny and has a striking look.
This chicken is not suitable for eggs and meat, so you can call it an ornamental chicken. Here is our list of the best dual-purpose chickens. But If you see its beautiful plumage, you will love them.
Most people show Sebright chickens in exhibitions because they are a popular pet. We can say that it’s a beautiful pet chicken for anyone who wants to keep a pet chicken.
Read this: Can we keep chicken as a pet?
Sebright Accepted Varieties
American Bantam Association accepts only two varieties of Sebrights-
- Gold Laced
- Silver Laced
Furthermore, the APA recognized these above bantam varieties in the year 1874.
Lifespan of Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken has an average lifespan of about 6–8 years.
Egg Production
As you all know, this is not a chicken for eggs or not for meat. The Sebright chicken lays around 60–80 eggs per year.
Sebright hens lay small white and tinted colored eggs of about 30-35 gm in weight. Also, Sebright hens rarely go broody, so do not keep hatching and egg-sitting expectations from them.
If you have few Sebrights hens, try to collect their eggs and use an excellent incubator to hatch them.
Sebrights don’t lay as many eggs, so it’s not a good choice for an egg production business.
Temperament of Sebright Chicken

Sebright chickens are friendly and docile. They love to play with their owners and children. Also, this show bird loves to go wherever you take them.
You can choose it as a small pet chicken. Sebrights act like dogs when you go to the office, they will chase your car, and when you come back, they will run towards you.
Sebrights has a charming and mixing personality. If you give them treats for a few days, they will love to move on to your commands.
The Sebright fowl love free-range. If you have a large area in your backyard, this is the best ornamental chicken.
Color, Size, Appearance, Characteristics of Sebright chicken
You may see Sebrights in mixed color in your locality, but there are only two recognized varieties of this breed. According to the American Bantam Association, Gold and Silver Laced.
There are almost no differences between the two varieties, but the colors are different.
The meat from this chicken is not expected because they are tiny compared to other standard chicken breeds.
Sebright chicken is only found in bantam size. The male birds of this breed weigh around 1.4 lbs, and the female birds weigh about 1.2 lbs.
This small size and weight is the primary cause of this bird keeps it out from the list of top egg-laying chickens and meat chickens.

The Gold and Silver Laced color varieties look beautiful. Sebright chickens have very noticeable and sharp black borderlines on their feathers.
On both the Silver and Golden color Sebright, the feathers are U shape edges. They have a rose comb that is pointed backside.
The body structure is also U-shaped, and legs are more open to the front side. Sebright chickens have 4 toes and no feathers on their legs. They are lovely, cute chicken breeds.
There are two color varieties of Sebright Chicken; Gold and Silver Laced. The actual color of Golden Sebrights is from golden bay to shiny brown, and the silver is from white to silver. Both the varieties have black color shades with the primary color.
Sebright chicken, both male, and female, looks almost the same. They do not have a distinctive curved and shiny feather on their hackle, sickle, and saddle.
They have a very short back, and breasts are slight outward. Tail feathers are aligned straight upward and have a rose comb.
Earlobes of Sebrights are purple-red, and legs are slate blue. Their wattles and face color are red.
Benefits of Raising Sebright Chicken
Sebright chicken is not beneficial for business purposes like selling eggs and meat. This is an ornamental chicken that is best only for pet purpose,
The Sebright is a beautiful exhibition bird that will amaze everyone. Like other pets, you can take them wherever you go.
Care guide for Sebright Chicken

Sebright is a tiny chicken breed, so it’s easy to raise. Below are few tips for raising and caring for them –
- They do not need any special care like most chickens.
- Sebright chickens live almost in all types of weather conditions, but small chickens require a little more bedding and warmness inside the coop than large-sized chickens.
- If you are buying Sebright chicks, remember that they require a few extra days of brooding because of their small size.
- They are very friendly and will engage with their owners and children.
- Predators are dangerous for most small chicken breeds, so use a good quality chicken wire for fencing around your coop and run area.
- Sebright is a good pet Bird, but keeping in a portable chicken coop helps them to live more comfortably.
- If you are always keeping your Sebright chicken inside your house, using a chicken diaper is good for keeping your home clean.
- A backyard with enough space and a free-range area is great for Sebrights. You can allow them if you have good fencing, but they love living inside the house and chicken tractor.
- Also, the Sebright chicks are susceptible and have a high early mortality rate, so they need extra caring and proper brooding.
Sebright is a beautiful ornamental chicken breed, as a whole. People who are looking for a stunning show bird, Sebrights, are the best choice for them.
Any newbie chicken raiser can take care of this breed effortlessly. Sebright chicken does not provide a good number of eggs and meat, but it’s a fantastic pet.
If you want to hatch eggs from the hens of this breed, you should use a good incubator. It is a good choice for those who love bantam chicken breeds without eggs and meat.
Do you want to raise a Sebright chicken? Comment below.
I have a golden Sebright pullet about 14 weeks of age. I’m attempting to tame her but she isn’t responding to my gestures, she runs away (boy is she fast) and is the loudest of all the breeds in my flock of D’Uccles, Silkie, Brahma and Polish Crested. I’ll keep trying to befriend her, bringing her inside and using a chicken diaper. Fingers crossed, love her, she’s so beautiful but soooooooo sassy!
Thank for writing here,
Don’t force your chicken to get inside, If she want to free-range allow them.
But occasionally give her few chicken treats like mealworms so that she will listen you.
I got 2 Golden Sebright Bantam in Aug and a Black hen with them same sizes. No eggs as of 14 Oct !!! No eggs from any of these Hens !!! I have a Bantam Rooster Old English/Dutch mix in coop with them . Love my Bantam how can I tell if these 3 or HENS ?
Hi, Rickey
Sebright chickens start laying eggs after 18-22 months. So, wait for few more weeks. \
Also they lay very less eggs.