Do Possums Eat Chickens? Spot Nearby, Protect Eggs, Feed, and Flocks
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Do Possums Eat Chickens? Spot Nearby, Protect Eggs, Feed, and Flocks

Do possums eat chickens? It is a common question for poultry raisers who spot possums near their chicken coops and yard.

So, let’s find out the answer to whether possums can cat chicken or their eggs. Moreover, we will discuss where possums are usually seen and how to spot a possum family nearby.

About Possums

Possums are small to medium-sized marsupials that are found in North and South America, as well as Australia. They are omnivorous animals, which means they eat both plants and animals. 

While possums typically prey on smaller creatures such as insects, they have also been known to eat eggs, poultry birds, and even small mammals. 

Possums are not typically a threat to chickens, but they can kill and eat them if given a chance.

Also read: Do raccoons eat chickens?

Do Possums Eat Chickens?

Yes, possums can eat eggs, baby chicks, small pullets and bantam chickens. It is because they mostly prefer to eat small prey. Typically, they do not attack standard size chickens.

Possum attacks on chickens mostly when the possum is desperate for food or if there is a lack of other prey available. The possums typically go after smaller prey items, but they are opportunistic feeders and take whatever they can find. 

If you have chickens and possums in your area, it is important to take precautions to protect your chickens from becoming a meal for a hungry possum.

Possums are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. If you have free-range chickens during the day, they are more likely to come into contact with a possum. 

Building a good quality portable coop with chicken wire fencing in enough to stop possum attacks inside the pen. Chickens confined to a coop or pen are less likely to encounter a possum, but it is still possible for the animal to get into the enclosure.

Possums are omnivorous animals, meaning they will eat both plants and animals. In addition to chicken, possums will eat eggs, insects, rodents, carrion, and fruit. 

Do Possums Kill Chickens?

Possums may kill chickens if they are seeking food, but they are not predators of chickens. Possums typically go after smaller prey items, but they are opportunistic feeders and eat whatever is available. 

Chickens are not a preferred food source for possums, but they may be eaten if other options are unavailable. Possums typically do not eat chicken eggs, but they may if they are desperate for food.

There are several ways to keep your chickens safe from possums, including preventing them from getting into your chicken coop and keeping your chickens well-fed. 

Hence, they are not as attractive to possums; using possum-proof fencing around your chicken coop. You can also take steps to keep possums away from your property, such as removing their food sources and providing them with alternative food sources.

If you have a family of possums living near your property, you can take steps to catch and remove them. Possums are found in most states in the United States, but they are more common in some states than others. 

You are most likely to see possums in the southern states, but they can also be found in other parts of the country.

Also read: Can chickens see in the dark?

Will Possums Eat Chicken Eggs?

Yes, possums will eat chicken eggs. They will eat almost any type of egg, including those of other animals such as reptiles. 

Possums are opportunistic feeders who take advantage of whatever food is available. That means they are often attracted to chicken coops and can do much damage if not kept in check.

You can do a few things to keep possums from eating your chicken eggs. First, ensure your coop is well-secured so that possums cannot get inside.

Second, consider using an egg trap to catch possums before they have a chance to eat your eggs. Finally, keep an eye out for signs of possums in your area and take steps to remove them if necessary.

Do Possums Eat Chicken Feed?

Possums are attracted to chicken feed because it is an easy food source. However, they will also eat about anything else they can find, including other animals.

This means you must be cautious if you have chickens and possums in your area. Possums can kill chickens, and they will also eat chicken eggs. 

If you have possums in your area, it is important to protect your chickens. One way to keep your chickens safe from possums is to keep chickens locked up at night. 

This will prevent possums from being able to get to them. You should also ensure that no food is left out that would attract possums.

If you see a possum in your yard, it is best to contact a wildlife control company to remove it. Possums can carry diseases that can harm humans and chickens, so it is best to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Do Possums Eat Chicken Heads and Bones?

Possums are opportunistic feeders and will eat just about anything they can find. This means they will eat chicken heads and bones if they come across them.

While possums generally prefer fresh food, they will not hesitate to scavenge for scraps if necessary. If you have chickens, keeping their coop run clean is important to discourage possums from raiding it for food. 

You should also secure any garbage cans or other potential food sources that might attract possums to your property.

While it is unlikely that a possum will kill a chicken for food, it can be a threat to baby chicks, pullets, and bantam chickens. Possums are attracted to chicken coops because they offer a safe place to sleep and easy access to food. 

If you have possums in your area, it is essential to take steps to keep them out of your chicken coop to protect your flock.

There are a few ways to spot a family of possums living near you. One way is to look for their tracks in the mud or snow.

Possums are also nocturnal creatures, so you may hear them moving around at night. If you see a possum during the day, it is likely sick or injured. 

Another way to tell if there are possums nearby is to look for signs of damage to your property. Possums can damage gardens, gnaw on wood, and tear up insulation in attics.

In Which States Do You See Possums Mostly?

Possums are found in every state in the United States except for Alaska. You’re most likely to see them in wooded areas, but they can also be found in backyards and urban settings.

If you have chickens, it’s important to be aware of the possibility of possums in your area and take steps to protect your chickens from these predators.

Some other states with a high density of possums include North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida. Possums are also commonly found in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Louisiana.

If you live in any of these states, it’s important to be aware of the possibility of possums and take steps to protect your chickens.

How to Spot a Family of Possums Nearby?

How to Spot a Family of Possums Nearby?
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When you see a possum in your yard, there is a good chance that there is a family of them living close by. 

If you have chickens, it is important to spot a family of possums, so you can take steps to keep your chickens safe. Here are some things to look for:

  • A possum mother will usually have two or three young with her.
  • Possums are nocturnal, so you will most likely see them at night.
  • The possums are attracted to food sources, so if you have a chicken coop, they may be drawn to it for the food.
  • Possums are good climbers, so they may be in trees or on fences near your chicken coop.

If you see a possum in your yard, it is critical to take steps to keep your chickens safe. Possums can kill chickens and eat their eggs, so it is significant to ensure that your chicken coop is secure. 

You should also remove any food sources that may be attracting the possums to your property. Taking these steps will help to keep your chickens safe from possums.

How to Keep Your Chickens Safe From Possums?

Below are ways that you can keep your chickens safe from possums:

1. Keep your chickens in a secure enclosure

One of the best ways to keep your chickens safe from possums is to ensure they are kept in a secure enclosure. Possums are good climbers, so the enclosure should be high enough off the ground that they cannot climb over it. 

It should also have a secure lid or top to keep them from getting in. Another good way to keep your chickens safe is to put chicken wire around the enclosure. 

This will prevent possums from reaching through and grabbing a chicken. The wire should be 4 feet high and buried at least 6 inches deep. That will ensure that even the most determined possum cannot get to your chickens.

2. Don’t leave food out

Another way to keep your chickens safe from possums is to ensure you don’t leave food out. Possums are attracted to food, so if you leave food out, it will be more likely to come into your yard. 

Keep your garbage cans closed, and don’t leave pet food or bird seed out. You can also feed your chickens during the day, so no food is left out at night.

3. Remove possums from your property

Possum caught in a trap
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If you have a possum on your property, it is important to remove it. Possums can carry diseases that can be harmful to your chickens. They can also kill and eat chickens. 

If you have a possum on your property, you can call your local animal control or wildlife removal service to have it removed. Below are steps to help you remove a possum from your property:

First, you will need to find the possum. Possums are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. You can look for them in your yard at night with a flashlight.

Once you have found the possum, you will need to capture it. Possums are not aggressive animals, so you can usually pick them up with your hands. If you are uncomfortable doing this, you can use a catch pole or a live trap.

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After capturing the possum, you will have to relocate it. Possums are not native to North America, so they cannot be released into the wild. You must take it to a local wildlife rehabilitation center or animal shelter.

Hire a professional if you are not comfortable removing the possum yourself, you can hire a professional to do it for you. Wildlife removal services are typically available in most areas.

4. Use possum-proof chicken feeders

Another way to keep your chickens safe from possums is to use possum-proof chicken feeders. Possums are attracted to chicken feed, so if you have a regular chicken feeder, they will be more likely to come into your yard. 

Possum-proof chicken feeders are available online and at some pet stores. They are typically made of metal or heavy-duty plastic and have a lid that possums cannot open.

5. Use possum-proof chicken coops

If you have a chicken coop, you can make it possum-proof by adding a few simple features. First, make sure that the coop is well-ventilated

Possums are attracted to dark and enclosed spaces, so if your coop is too dark or stuffy, they will be more likely to come in. Second, add a possum-proof door. 

Possum-proof doors are available online and at some pet stores. They are typically made of metal or heavy-duty plastic and have a latch that possums cannot open. 

Finally, make sure that the coop is clean. Possums are attracted to garbage and other food sources, so if your coop is dirty, they will be more likely to come in.

Possums are attracted to chicken coops because they offer food, shelter, and darkness. By making your coop possum-proof, you can keep your chickens safe from these predators.

6. Make sure your chickens have enough space

Possums are attracted to chicken coops because they offer food, shelter, and darkness. If your chickens are confined to a small space, they will be more likely to come into contact with possums. 

Ensure that your chickens have enough space to move around and that their coop is big enough to stretch their wings.

7. Keep your yard clean

Possums are attracted to garbage and other sources of food. If you have a lot of garbage or debris in your yard, possums will be more likely to come in. Keep your yard clean and free of garbage to deter possums.


Possums can be a serious threat to your chickens. They can kill and eat chickens, as well as spread diseases. 

If you have a possum on your property, you can call your local animal control or wildlife removal service to have it removed. 

You can also take steps to keep your chickens safe from possums, such as using possum-proof chicken feeders and coops and keeping your yard clean. 

With a little effort, you can keep your chickens safe from possums. I hope this guide helped you to get the answer to your question: Do possums eat chickens? 

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