Top 15 Best Friendliest Chicken Breeds (Pets, Eggs, Show)

Top 15 Best Friendliest Chicken Breeds (Pets, Eggs, Show)

Are you searching for a few best friendliest chicken breeds for backyard farming? If yes, you are at the right place.

Most newbie chicken raisers search for friendly chicken breeds because they are docile, gentle, sweet, easy to raise, and suitable as pets.

People know friendly chicken breeds by different names like:

  • Docile chickens
  • Sweet chickens 
  • Nicest chickens
  • Pet chickens
  • Gentle chickens
  • Cute chickens
  • Pretty chickens and more.

So, why are these chicken breeds called with the above names?

What Are Friendly Chickens?

Friendly chickens mean chicken breed, which is effortless to raise because of their lovely, cute nature. They like to be with their owners and usually stay calm.

Friendly chicken breeds are usually not aggressive. The friendly chickens do not need extra care compared to non-friendly species, so a newbie backyard chicken farmer can easily raise them.

Friendly and cute chickens run toward their owners with a single command, and never peck at them. You will very rarely encounter any fighting or pecking between friendly chickens.

A chicken with an aggressive temperament is difficult to control and raise because they often try to fight with other chickens. Occasionally, they run away and fight with the flocks next door.

Chickens that are the friendliest always forage near poultry coops and love to live near their owners.

This guide will help you choose one of the best, friendliest chicken breeds for your backyard if you are looking for a few. 

The chicken breeds we have selected are suitable for both commercial and show purposes, and they are cute, lovely, gentle, and pet.

Also read: 10 Best Steps to Introduce Chickens to Your Existing Pets

Top 15 Best Friendliest Chicken Breeds

Here is the list of a few fantastic docile, nice, gentle, and friendliest chicken breeds which is best for both beginners and expert backyard farmers:

1. Plymouth Rock Chicken

Plymouth Rocks are one of the best friendliest chicken breed

The Plymouth Rock chickens are one of the best friendly chicken breeds with a calm and docile temperament. They are beneficial for both eggs and meat.

This dual-purpose chicken lays around 200-220 large-size eggs per year. Because of their friendly nature, they are effortless to raise.

The bantam and large-size fowl are available in this chicken breed, but the standard size is more popular because it is used for commercial purposes. The large Plymouth rooster weighs 7.5 lbs, and the hens weigh 6.5 lbs.

Most Plymouth Rock hens go broody and make adorable and caring mothers. Moreover, the flocks of this breed are great foragers. So, if you have long yards, they will love to graze.

They are excellent pet chickens. If you have kids in your home, they will love to play with them.

2. Polish Chicken

Polish chicken a friendly chicken
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Polish chickens are one of friendliest chickens and look lovely. They are renowned for their extraordinarily cute crest of feathers on their neck and head.

It is an average-sized European continental chicken breed with an average egg-laying capacity. The Polish hen produces around 150-160 eggs per year. It is also an APA-approved chicken breed with various varieties.

Polish chickens rarely go broody, so you can easily collect eggs from their nesting boxes. Their sweetness and pretty look make them good show birds.

They are very friendly to their owners and love to free-range. The average weight of a Polish rooster is about 5.8 to 6 lbs, and hens are about 4 to 4.5 lbs.

This breed is a dual-purpose chicken, but it’s a beautiful show bird and average in egg production in terms of characteristics.

3. Sebright Chicken

Sebright a popular bantam friendly chicken
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The famous Sebright chicken is one of the best ornamental and friendliest chicken breeds. This British chicken is only available in the bantam size. People raise them only to keep them as pets and show birds.

The American Poultry Association mentions Sebrights as one of the popular bantam chicken breeds. Their friendly and cute nature is the primary reason why people raise them.

This chicken breed is not good in egg production and does not qualify as a good meat chicken. The Gold and Silver Laced varieties of Sebright chicken look great because of their beautiful feather patterns.

The average weight of the Sebright roosters is about 650 g, and the hens are 550 g. Sebright hens lay between 60 and 80 white-colored eggs per year, so you should not expect eggs from this breed.

They love to play with kids, so; if you have kids in your home, it’s a plus point. Generally, they sit on their owner’s shoulder and head. 

They are wonderful to show birds, and you can easily teach them a few commands using chicken treats. You can take them to any chicken exhibition because they are APA-recognized varieties.

The Sebright chickens are easy to raise because they are friendly, docile, and cute. Because of their tiny size, they need small space inside coops.

A Sebright chicken can easily live in a 1 sq. ft. area inside the coop and 6-7 sq. ft. in the run area.

Since they love to free-range, we recommend raising them in an open area because, inside sheds, they may lose a bit of their beauty.

4. White Leghorn Chicken

Most popular friendliest chicken breed all over the world
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One of the most popular commercial chicken breeds found worldwide is the White Leghorn. People also raise them as pet chickens. Their friendly nature and docility make them famous for poultry farming.

White Leghorn chickens are initially raised for egg purposes because they lay around 280 to 300 eggs per year. After 1-1.5 years, most of the chicken farms sell their flocks for meat.

Not only a commercial chicken breed, but White Leghorn chickens are excellent pet chickens. 

We also raise White Leghorn chickens in our farm because they are so friendly and lovely. But my rooster is a little aggressive. He sometimes attacks on people he doesn’t know.

White Leghorn is a continental chicken breed that lays white-colored medium size eggs. White Leghorn chickens are very intelligent and resourceful chickens.

It is also available in bantam size, but most chicken raises large birds for breeding purposes. The average weight of a White Leghorn rooster is about 7.5 lbs, and the hens carry about 5.5 lbs weight.

Backyard farmers do not recommend White Leghorns for raising in urban backyards because of their noisy nature. The hens of this breeder are also very talkative.

They are great foragers and usually bear all types of weather conditions. White Leghorn chicken has a faster-growing gene.

5. Sussex Chicken

Sussex beautiful friendly and docile fowl
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The Sussex chicken is one of the best if you are looking for a friendly dual-purpose chicken. They have unique shades of colorful feathers.

This historic bird was first shown at the London zoo in 1845. Sussex chicken is found in various colors like a buff, white, light, coronation, brown-red and speckled.

This white color bird is most famous from other varieties. Sussex hens lay around 220 to 250 eggs per year, large cream to light brown-colored eggs. 

Compared to other chicken breeds, they have a reasonable life expectancy of about 8 to 10 years.

The average weight of an adult Sussex rooster is about 8.8 to 9.5 lbs, and hens weigh about 6.5 to 7 lbs. They are also excellent meat chickens.

Sussex chickens are very confident, friendly, and easy to raise. Both the roosters and hens of this breed are non-aggressive.

This is a friendly chicken breed that is recommended for new backyard farmers. Sussex is highly popular in England, Canada, and the United States.

However, Sussex chickens are cold hardy, and they do not like the hot climate. If you have lots of trees in your backyard, they can easily free-range below tree shades.

You can easily recognize them from far away by looking into their beautiful neck, where you can find black shades of feathers and black tails.

6. Buff Orpington Chicken

Big Buffs are best friendliest chicken breed
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Buff Orpington is a popular and friendly chicken breed with fluffy feathers and a beautiful look. They are also dual-purpose chickens.

Because of their large body, Orpingtons are also called Big Buffs. The average weight of Buff Orpington roosters is around 8 to 8.8 lbs, and hens weigh about 7 to 7.8 lbs.

The Buff Orpington hens lay 200-220 eggs per year, and some strains are good layers and cross 250 eggs per year. They lay large, light brown-colored eggs. 

There are other APA-approved varieties like Blue, Black, and White. The bantam breeds are not as popular as large fowl.

If you don’t have sufficient space in your backyard coop, then this chicken breed is not the best choice for you.

Fluffy feathers and a layered coat of feathers makes this chicken an excellent cold-hardy fowl. They are tough to survive in hot climate regions.

7. Silkie Chicken

A small bantam silkie and her baby chicks on a white background
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The name Silkie came from its impressive-looking fluffy plumage. This is one of the friendliest chicken breeds with a calm, quiet, and non-aggressive nature.

Silkie chickens are found in multiple color varieties like Partridge, Red, Black, Blue, Buff, White. It is approved by both UK and APA standards.

Moreover, it has two variants, Bearded and Unbearded. In this chicken breed, both the bantam and standard size fowl are popular among farmers.

The average weight of a bantam size rooster is about 1.3 lbs, and the large size is about 4 lbs, respectively. Hens of bantam size weigh about 1.1 lbs and large size about 3 lbs.

Silkie are premium chickens, so they are sold at a higher rate than other chicken breeds. However, they are easy to raise and become friends quickly.

Silkies are great foragers, and also they are a fantastic choice as a pet chicken. 

They are average egg-laying chickens. The Silkie hens lay around 100-120 cream to tinted medium size eggs.

Silkie chicken has soft feathers that look like hair, so we get wet quickly in water. Because of their unique body structure and feathers, they can’t fly.

They are usually referred to as cold-hardy chicken, but they can also be raised in hot climate areas. Having trees in the backyard is a great way for chickens to forage and free-range.

8. Brahma Chicken

brahma chicken are excellent friendly fowls
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If you are looking for a giant-friendly chicken breed, then you might like Brahmas. They are popularly known as Kings of Chickens.

Brahma chickens are not only the friendliest chicken breed, but they are also the best dual-purpose chickens. So, it’s a good chicken for commercial use.

However, the Brahmas are egg-laying birds. The Brahma hens lay between 3 and 4 medium-sized eggs per week. The color of the eggs is brown.

The most popular varieties of Brahma chickens are Light, Dark, and Buff. As they are large size fowls, they have an average life expectancy of 7-8 years.

Brahma chickens are easy to raise because they are cute, passive, friendly, and docile. If you have kids in your home, they will love to play with them.

You can also allow them on your bed, but remember to use a chicken diaper to avoid any mess on your bed.

The average weight of an adult rooster is about 12 lbs, while hens are about 9 lbs. You may see a 1-2 lbs weight difference between its varieties.

Brahma chickens are great for urban areas where noisy chickens are not allowed. They are less talkative and noiseless.

Brahma hens usually go broody, and they make good mothers. You need to provide some shade or calm space for them because they are cold hardy and can live in a hot climate.

9. Rhode Island Red Chicken

A popular dual-purpose friendly chickens
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The Rhode Island Red, also known as the Reds, is a popular and friendly chicken breed. You can see this chicken all over the world.

Because of its historical dual-purpose use, it is famous in few countries. The roosters of this chicken breed walk like kings.

Rhode Island Red chickens are also known by their short name, ‘Reds.’ They can easily survive in cold and hot climates. 

However, if you have trees in your backyard, they will be happy to forage below their shades.

It is also the state bird of Rhode Island. This chicken variety is found only in light rusted to dark maroon color.

Both the bantam and large size fowl are approved by the APA, but the large fowl is more prevalent among chicken farmers. Moreover, the variety is differentiated by the appearance of rose and single comb.

The RIRs have an average lifespan of 5-8 years. Rhode Island Red hens lay around 180-250 light-brown colored eggs per year. 

They are friendly, calm, lovely, and docile chickens. Both the RIR rooster and hens are non-aggressive, but in a few strains, roosters are a little aggressive to other roosters.

Rhode Island Reds can quickly adapt themselves in confinement and free-range. If you have long yards, allow them to free-range so that they will live a stress-free life.

Predators attack most RIR hens, so use a good chicken wire and fencing around your barn and yard. Furthermore, it is one of the best pet chickens, which will love to follow your commands.

10. Australorp Chickens 

An popular Australian origin friendly chicken
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The Australorp chicken primarily originated in Australia. Within a few years, this chicken became popular because of its unique characteristics.

Australorps are highly well-known for their friendliness and loveliness. Three varieties of Australorp chickens are recognized in Australian Poultry Standards: black, white, and blue. 

The Poultry Club of Africa approves four colors: Buff, Splash, Wheaten Laced, and Golden.

The only accepted variety in the American Poultry Association is the large-size black Australorp.

Australorps are extraordinary dual-purpose chickens. They lay about 280-300 large brown-colored eggs. The average weight of roosters is 8.5 to 10 lbs, and hens are about 7 to 9 lbs.

The Australorp bantam roosters weigh around 2.5 to 4 lbs, and hens about 2-3.5 lbs. This chicken breed is easy to raise by most of the new chicken raisers.

Australorp hens rarely go broody, so if you want to keep this chicken for breeding purposes, you need a good-quality egg incubator

If you notice that your hen is sitting on her eggs, you don’t need to worry because if Australorp hens go broody, they make good mothers.

It is also a beautiful show bird because most chicken raisers want to own them. Australorps are great foragers and love to graze near their owners.

11. Easter Eggers Chicken

Easter Eggers are one of the best friendliest chicken breed which are blue and green egg layers
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Easter Egger chickens are unique chicken breeds. They are hybrid chickens developed from ‘Araucanas.’

They are blue-green egg layers, and their look and characteristics differ from other chicken breeds. 

The average life expectancy of Easter Egger chickens is about 7-8 years. They are highly friendly and have excellent pet chicken quality.

Easter Eggers hens rarely go broody, so don’t expect it from them. If you want this chicken variety for breeding purposes, you need an incubator for hatching eggs.

They are cold hardy chickens and do not survive in high-temperature climate areas. Easter Eggers loves to play with kids. Just give a few chicken treats in your hand.

The Easter Egger hens weigh around 4-4.2 lbs, and the roosters about 5-5.2 lbs. They are medium size chicken breeds.

Hens of this breed are good layers. You will quickly get 3-4 eggs per week from Easter Eggers. 

Moreover, the price of Easter Eggers chicks is very low compared to other chicken breeds. So, if you buy this chicken breed for commercial purposes, the initial cost is less.

Easter Eggers chicks are readily available in most of the hatcheries of the United States.

12. Faverolle Chicken

A unique look friendly chicken with mustache and fluffy feathers on head and face
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The Salmon Faverolle Chicken is another name of this continental chicken breed. 

This chicken breed has a unique appearance and characteristics, which makes it different from others.

Faverolle chickens are very talkative and noisy. This is an excellent chicken for homesteaders and urban backyards.

They are historical chickens from the UK. It was first seen in the United Kingdom in an exhibition in 1886.

Different varieties of Faverolle chicken are Black, Ermine, Blue, Cuckoo, Splash, White. APA recognizes this chicken breed, but only the bantam size with feathered legs.

Other varieties are also mentioned in The Poultry Club of Great Britain. Usually, Faverolle hens go broody, and they make good mothers.

You will love their friendliness and peaceful nature. Their mustache and fuzzy face are the uniqueness that makes them unique.

The Salmon Faverolle hens lay around 200 light brown to tinted eggs yearly, making them a good layer. The average weight of Faverolle hens is around 6.5 lb, and roosters are around 8 lb.

They bear both confinement and free range, so it is easy for you to provide them with safe space wherever you want. Their creamy to dark color appearance looks fabulous on them.

13. Jersey Giant chicken

Jersey Giants are world largest friendliest chicken breed
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If you want to raise a large-sized friendly chicken breed, Jersey Giant chickens will fulfill your needs. They are massive in size as compared to other chicken breeds and amazing show birds,

The name Jersey Giant came into existence in the year 1917. It is popularly also named Giants. They are excellent large egg layers.

It is a dual-purpose chicken breed with significant advantages. The Jersey Giant hens lay around 180-200 large size brownish color eggs.

Jersey Giants’ large body and high egg production capacity make them a good chicken breed for backyard farming. 

This breed is available in both bantam and standard size, but the standard or large size is more popular.

An adult standard Jersey Giant rooster weighs around 13-13.5 lb, and a hen weighs approximately 10 lbs. In comparison, the bantam male fowl weigh around 38 oz and females about 35 oz.

They are gentle, cute, docile, and lovely. You will rarely see any fighting in Jersey Giant Flocks. They are also one of the most friendly breeds of chicken.

However, it is a large fowl, but they have a loving polite nature with their fellow birds. They have an average lifespan of 6-7 years.

This breed is seldom prone to broodiness, so you shouldn’t expect any eggs to hatch. If you want to raise this chicken breed for breeding purposes, use an incubator for hatching eggs.

14. Cochin Chicken

Best egg hatcher chicken cochins are friendly birds
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Cochin’s are among the most popular friendly chicken breeds for backyard farmers. They have a fluffy-feathery body, which is their unique appearance.

This chicken breed is known for its egg production and broodiness. They do not lay many eggs, but enough to be called a good egg layer.

You don’t need any extra incubators for hatching their eggs. Cochin hens make excellent mothers and effectively care for their small ones.

They lay around 150-180 eggs per year. Cochin’s are very friendly and docile. You rarely see any aggressiveness in both roosters and hens of this chicken breed. 

Cochin roosters weigh about 9 lbs and hen about 8.5 lbs. This is a fantastic chicken breed in which the hen and rooster have almost the same weight.

They are poor flyers, so there is a high risk of predator attack. Use a solid standard fencing or electric fence around your barn and backyard for your flock’s safety.

Cochin are friendly chickens but difficult to raise because of their fluffy feathers. They need extra care because their feathers do not help them from external climate conditions like snow and rain.

15. Wyandotte Chicken

Best colorful friendly chicken breed
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The Wyandotte chickens are one of the most beautiful and friendliest chicken breeds. They are trendy in the United States.

It is one of the most historical dual-purpose chickens in America. There are eight popular varieties of Wyandotte chicken.

The APA-approved recognized varieties are Silver laced, Gold laced, Wyandotte, Black, Partridge, Buff, Silver penciled, Colombian, and Blue.

Their beautiful border feathers tell of their uniqueness from afar. They lay around 200-220 eggs per year. In winter, they don’t stop their laying.

The Wyandotte hen eggs are brown in color and large in size. Both the hens and roosters of this breed are noisy and talkative.

They are also popularly known as rose-combed birds because their combs are very close to the skull area. Wyandotte Chicken has a life expectancy of 6-12 years.

The average weight of Wyandotte roosters is about 8.5 lbs, whereas the hens weigh about 6.5 lbs. This chicken does not love hot weather, so provide them with tree shades and an excellent portable chicken coop.

Wyandottes are noisy birds, so you may not keep them in areas where noise is restricted. 


All the above-mentioned chicken breeds are very friendly, cute, lovely, and easy to raise. You can choose which suits your state and how you want to use it.

Some chicken breeds are suited to cold climates, some to hot climates, and a few to both. 

You can also choose one by comparing the benefits, such as raising them as a show bird, for eggs, or for meat. 

Small-sized chickens are the best for raising pet chickens because they are easy to handle and need less care. Moreover, they require less feed and space.

Big chickens are best for commercial purposes. So, now it’s up to you; what type of chicken do you need?

I hope this guide will help you choose the best chicken breed. 

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